日期:2010-11-23 13:16


 Yale University (Yale University) is the one located in the United States is Hong New Haven, Connecticut in the private university, founded in 1701, the beginning of a "University College" (Collegiate School). Yale University is the history of the United States on the establishment of a third university, this Sinomenine longer a member of the Union.

耶鲁大学(Yale University)是一所坐落于美国康乃狄格州纽黑文市的私立大学,始创于1701年,初名“大学学院”(Collegiate School)。耶鲁大学是美国历史上建立的第三所大学,今为长青藤联盟的成员之一。

 In 2006 the British Times higher education supplement in the world university rankings, Yale University in the overall average ranking fourth in the world. U.S. Princeton Review in 2006 at Yale University in the United States into the most difficult of the University ranked second. Yale to the humanities, arts, history, law and the most famous; Yale's first-class science and engineering schools in the United States, is relatively weak.

在2006英国泰晤士报专上教育增刊的世界大学排名,耶鲁大学在总平均排名世界第四。美国Princeton Review在2006把耶鲁大学在全美最难进的大学里排第二。耶鲁以人文、艺术、历史、及法律最有名;耶鲁的理工科在美国一流名校里算是比较弱的。

  Yale University in industries including 15.2 billion U.S. dollars contributions (the second academic institutions in the world), and in possession of more than 10 libraries in the collection of over 110 million rolls. Yale about 3,200 teaching staff, 5,200 undergraduate students and more than 6,000 graduate students. In addition to Harvard University, Yale University scholarship winners Roche is the most numerous universities.


  Yale University to undergraduate education as the core. Such attention to similar universities in the United States is rare. Yale College (Yale College, Yale University undergraduate that the Department of) 70 professional major focus on general education, only very few undergraduate faculty focus on professional preparation, even the Yale University Engineering Department also encourages and requires students Exploration and study areas outside the engineering disciplines. Yale College about 20 percent of the students for science professionals, 35 percent for social science professionals, 45 percent of the students of the humanities arts professionals. Yale University professor require all undergraduate courses are taught. Yale University in each of the courses directory (Yale Program of Study, or commonly known as Blue Book) has more than 2,000 courses are available.

  耶鲁大学将本科教育视为大学的核心。这种重视在美国同类大学中实属少见。耶鲁学院(Yale College,即耶鲁大学本科部)70个专业主要着力于通识教育,仅有极少的几个本科院系着眼于专业性的准备,甚至于耶鲁大学工程系也鼓励并且要求学生探索和学习工程学科以外的领域。耶鲁学院大约有20%的学生为自然科学专业,35%为社会科学专业,45%的学生则为人文艺术专业。耶鲁大学要求所有的教授均讲授本科课程。每年在耶鲁大学的课程目录中(Yale Program of Study,或通称Blue Book)有超过2000门课程以供选择。

  • collectionn. 收集,收取,聚集,收藏品,募捐
  • numerousadj. 为数众多的,许多
  • establishmentn. 确立,制定,设施,机构,权威
  • academicadj. 学术的,学院的,理论的 n. 大学教师,
  • socialadj. 社会的,社交的 n. 社交聚会
  • havenn. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,
  • explorationn. 探险,踏勘,探测
  • professionaladj. 职业的,专业的,专门的 n. 专业人员
  • availableadj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的
  • additionn. 增加,附加物,加法