Most of us have tried to sneak a quick game of Minesweeper in during our computer classes at school, but for students at Garnes High School in Norway, playing games won't be something they'll have to hide. Garnes Vidaregaande Skole, a public high school in the city of Bergen, Norway, is to start teaching e-sports to its students starting in August. The elective class puts e-sports on the same footing as traditional sports such as soccer and handball at the school. 30 or so students enrolled in the program will study five hours a week during the three-year program.
我们大多数人都曾经尝试过偷偷地在学校的计算机课上玩儿扫雷游戏,但是对于挪威的Garnes高中的学生来说,玩电子游戏不再会是一件躲躲藏藏的事情了。这座位于挪威卑尔根市,名叫Garnes Vidaregaande Skole的一所公立高中将从今年8月起开授电子竞技课程。这门选修课将电玩与其他传统运动,如足球和手球,放在同等位置。选修这门课的大约30名学生将在三年里每周学习5小时。
Students on the program will not simply spend five hours a week playing games at school. The classes will include 90 minutes of physical training optimized for the games in question, with work on reflexes, strength, and endurance. Each class will be split; 15 students will play while the other 15 perform physical exercise. In an interview with Dotablast, Petter Grahl Johnstad, head of the school's science department, says that the students will have their performance graded, with game knowledge and skills, communication, co-operation, and tactical ability all being assessed.
当然,选修这门课程的学生不是简简单单的每周在学校里打五个小时的游戏。它还包含了90分钟的体能训练以优化学生的游戏表现,还会以此锻炼学生们的反应能力、体力和耐力。上课时会把学生们分开,15个学生玩游戏,其他15个学生锻炼体能。在接受Dotablast的采访时,这所学校科学系的主任Petter Grahl Johnstad表示,这些学生的成绩将根据他们的游戏知识、游戏技能、交流、合作和战术能力而定。
The school will have a dedicated room for the program with gaming chairs and high-end PCs with Nvidia GeForce GTX 980Ti video cards, according to its Facebook page. Students will provide their own mice, keyboards, and headsets, to accommodate the wide variety of personal preference that exists.
根据校方的脸书主页上的信息,这所学校还专门配置了一间装有电脑椅,以及专为游戏用的、搭载英伟达GeForce GTX 980Ti型号游戏显卡的高端PC电脑的游戏教室。学生需要携带自己的鼠标、键盘和耳机等设备,以适应各种各样的个人偏好。
Garnes has not yet decided which game or games its students will study. Two will be offered in the first year, with Dota 2, League of Legends, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and Starcraft II all under consideration.