Compared to the likes of Nigella Lawson, she doesn’t seem like your typical domestic goddess. But despite her public image, Hollywood sex siren Marilyn Monroe actually enjoyed playing homemaker - and really loved to cook.
拥有“家政女神”之称的英国女名厨劳森(Nigella Lawson)恐要“自叹不如”了,最近一份玛丽莲·梦露的亲笔食谱曝光让影迷大呼过瘾,原来性感女神也懂厨艺!
A new book of her letters and notes reveals that she was a talented and experienced chef who created a mean recipe for stuffing.
Monroe’s flair for cooking was evident at an auction of her personal effects in 1999 when two well-worn cookbooks of hers from the 1950s were sold off for well above the reserve.The notes, which feature in ‘Fragments’, a collection of her letters and musings from 1943 to her death in 1962, are the best evidence yet that she had a passion for cooking.
The recipe is dated around 1955 or 1956 when she was living in New York with her husband, the playwright Arthur Miller. Monroe and Miller later divorced amid accusations of affairs on both sides before her death in 1962 from an apparent overdose.
有人猜测,外表性感奔放的玛丽莲·梦露骨子里实际上一个“贤惠的妻子”,因为该食谱是玛丽莲·梦露在与她的剧作家老公Arthur Miller在纽约生活时写下的。可好景不长,玛丽莲·梦露与老公的短暂婚姻还是因双方都“不忠于”对方而最后瓦解了。