The first year of marriage is everything: good, bad, strange, boring, funny, sad, crazy, normal. I swear: It's everything! And you learn a lot. Here's the things you learn your first year of marriage:
结婚的第一年包含万象:好的、坏的、奇特的、无聊的、有趣的、悲伤的、疯狂的、正常的 。我发誓:你会经历一切!你也会学到很多 。下列就是结婚第一年你将学到的那些事儿:
1. It's weird to be called someone's wife.
1. 被别人称作老婆,是种奇怪的感觉 。
It's also weird to call someone your husband (or your wife!). It's so weird, but also awesome! And yeah, did I mention weird?! You'll fill out paperwork and it'll ask if you're single or married and you'll start to circle single and then be all, "Ack! Can I get a new form?" It's weird!
称别人为老公(或老婆!)也很奇怪 。特别奇怪,但又很棒!额,我是不是说过奇怪了?当你填写表格时,有一栏是单身或已婚,开始你会勾选单身,然后你会说“糟糕!能不能再给我一张?”真的太奇怪了!
2. You'll be your true grossest selves in front of each other.
2. 在对方面前,会展现最真实粗鲁的一面 。
You're married and all bets are off. You're farting all over each other; you're peeing with the door open; he's shaving while you shower. She now knows that sometimes you don't shower for two days in a row and forget to brush your teeth. She likes you anyway. Ain't love grand!
你们结婚了,彼此都没了顾忌 。你们会无所顾忌的放屁;会开着门上厕所;他会在你洗澡的时候刮胡子 。现在她知道了你会连续两天不洗澡,也知道了你会忘记刷牙 。反正她还会爱你 。爱情真是伟大!
3. Joint finances are annoying to figure out.
3. 理清共有资产十分烦心 。
Seriously, it sucks. Joining financial forces is difficult, and confusing, and it's probably a good idea to get some help from a planner. Figure out what your goals are, the differences in how you spend. Tackle this now, and be set for life!
讲真!这感觉真是糟透了 。理清共有资产十分困难、令人困惑 。寻求规划师的帮助不失为一个好方法 。理清你们的目标,花销差别 。现在就解决这一问题,准备好面向新生活!
4. Couple counseling isn't a terrible idea.
4. 夫妻咨询并不是个坏主意 。
Learning how to communicate in a kind, respectful way is much easier when things are going well than when things are hard. If you get the tools in the beginning of your marriage, it'll help you later on, guaranteed.
在一切都还顺利时学习如何友善、尊重的交流比在一切糟糕之际学习要容易得多 。如果在婚姻初期你就学会了这种沟通方式,那么以后一定会大有用处 。
5. You'll talk about babies more.
5. 你会更多的谈论宝宝 。
Whether or not they're happening, and when. This year? Next year? Five years? Ten years? Never? (Life-changing) decisions, (life-changing) decisions!
6. You'll say to yourself about once a week, "I'm freaking married!"
6. 大约每周你都会对自己说一次,“我竟然结婚了!”
Maybe not in those exact words, but the realization will hit you, and you'll get a warm tingly feeling, or a very freaked out feeling. Sometimes both!
也许你说的是其它词,但你会意识到这一点,并感觉心里暖暖的,要么你就会感到惊慌失措 。有时候两种感觉皆有!
7. You'll talk about your wedding a lot.
7. 你总会谈论自己的婚礼 。
"Remember when Sally freaked John!?" and, "Oh my god, it was crazy I WAS CRYING SO MUCH." You'll share memories, and obsess over your photos.
“还记不记得萨利当时吓坏了约翰?”;“哦,我的上帝,当时真是太疯狂了,我哭的泣不成声 。”你会分享这段回忆,痴迷于结婚时的照片 。