Despite the trumpets of women's lib, science suggests sex differences are innate. Women, apparently, are not curvy versions of men sporting high-heeled shoes. Here are 10 things every woman-loving man should know.
She loves risk during the mature years. For many 50-plus women, her focus might shift from her immediate family to local and global communities. She may also feel a strong desire to do more for herself, and her career, after decades of caretaking, explains neuropsychiatrist Louann Brizendine of the University of California.
She goes through adolescence twice. Women go through a "second adolescence" called perimenopause in their 40s. It starts around age 43 and reaches its pinnacle by 47 or 48 years old. A woman's hormones during this transition are so crazed she can be as moody as a teenager.
She is affected by mommy brain. The physical, hormonal, emotional and social changes facing a woman directly after giving birth can be monumental. "And because everything else has changed, she needs everything else to be as predictable as possible, including the husband," Brizendine said.
She is also affected by pregnant brain. "Progesterone is a great sleeping pill."
She is easily turned off. "A women's sex drive is much more easily upset than a guy's," Brizendine said. A woman may refuse a man's advances because she is angry, feeling distrustful - or even, because her feet are chilly, studies show.
She responds to pain and anxiety differently. Studies over the last 10 years have shown that male and female brains respond differently to pain and fear. And, women's brains may be the more sensitive of the two.
She really is intuitive. Women more correctly identify the unspoken messages conveyed in facial expressions, postures and tones of voice, studies show.
She avoids aggression. Women may have evolved to avoid physical aggression because of the greater dependence of children on their survival, suggests Anne Campbell of Durham University.
She also hates conflict. Women may also have evolved extra-sensitivity to interpersonal cues as a way to avoid conflict. Possibly because of their overachievement in "mind reading," women often find blank expressions, or a lack of response, completely unbearable. For females in particular, a negative response may be better than no response at all.
She changes every day based on her cycle. About 10 days after the onset of menstruation, right before ovulation, women often feel sassier, Brizendine said. A week later, there is a rise in progesterone, the hormone that mimics valium, making women "feel like cuddling up with a hot cup of tea and a good book," Brizendine said. The following week, progesterone withdrawal can make women weepy and easily irritated. For most women, their mood reaches its worst 12-24 hours before their period starts.