If you want to see a sensitive vampire falling in love with a teenage girl but you don’t want to wait for another Twilight movie, Paul Wesley is bringing sexy back to TV this Fall on the CW’s The Vampire Diaries.
Stefan Salvatore, The Vampire Diaries
CW台金秋即将上演的美剧《吸血鬼日记》又是一部讲述吸血鬼和少女之间爱情的故事。男主角Paul Wesley看起来很帅的样子。
Who doesn’t love bleach-blond hair with a lot of attitude? Spike can be scary, funny or just plain sexy, depending on what he’s afer.
Spike, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
This heroic vampire only lasted one season, but Alex O’Loughlin left a huge impression on his female audience.
Mick St. John, Moonlight
This was Brad Pitt back when he was the hottest new star on the scene, and while he’s still sexy, it’s hard to resist his vampiric ways.
Louis, Interview with the Vampire
Before he was jumping on the couch, Tom Cruise was the truest definition of a sex symbol, and his version of Anne Rice’s classic vampire character had women across the country begging to be bitten.
Lestat, Interview with the Vampire
Jason Dohring has a habit of playing rich, cocky guys, something he did even as a vampire. It’s easy to hate Josef, but he’s also impossible to resist.
Josef Kostan, Moonlight
Jason Dohring是超拽阔公子专业户,连演个吸血鬼把都是这款的。这是一个让人又爱又恨的角色,看似漠视生命,结果发觉最深情的一个居然是他。
You may not be familiar with this Lifetime vampire drama, but one look at the hot Kyle Schmid should be enough to make you search for it.
Henry Fitzroy, Blood Ties
The local vampire sheriff on True Blood, Eric is a sinister, tall blond vampire who has a seductive power over anyone he meets. In season 2, a hair cut solves the only physical flaw this vampire has.
Eric Northman, True Blood
Every girl wishes she could meet a tall, dark and handsome kid in their high school who can take them to a special world of magic and excitement. Edward Cullen is the very essence of that desire.
Edward Cullen, Twilight
It’s hard to tell why Stephen Dorff isn’t a bigger movie star, since he’s incredibly hot and can play a bad-ass villain as good as anyone.
Deacon Frost, Blade
Stephen Dorff可能怀才不遇总是相对而言默默无闻的样子,但他扮坏的样子真是令人难忘。
The film that truly started the teen vampire craze back in the late ’80s, Kiefer Sutherland was sexy even before he was torturing terrorists and headbutting the paparazzi.
David, The Lost Boys
The next great bad boy vampire, Ian Somerhalder has the perfect piercing beauty to play a truly sinister vampire in this new drama coming to the CW this Fall.
Damon Salvatore, The Vampire Diaries