日期:2010-05-18 11:18


It's my please to write this column about international students at an American business school, from the perspective of an American. Though Yale, and all other top schools, focus on granting a 'global' MBA experience, the style of instruction, the classroom environment, and the nuances of school culture are very much American. In speaking to my classmates who come from other countries, particularly China, it seems that three key pillars of the U.S. education experience actually come as a major culture shock: loud and often boisterous in-class discussion; the reliance on teamwork to complete tasks; and the unofficial importance of socializing to build a network within the class. For someone who has grown up in the American school system, conforming to these three attributes happens almost subconsciously, and thinking that others may find them surprising or difficult to tackle reveals the unintended limits of my own world view. Let's take each one in turn.


The Classroom Experience. There's no such thing as an all-lecture class at Yale, nor at most other undergraduate colleges or business schools. Professors expect and demand engagement and discussion and students will often pipe up with questions in the middle of a salient point. In most cases, this is not considered rude; I think American students occasionally think of themselves as consumers of the course material, with the right to get their questions answered or theories explored by the professor. In one early class of ours, the professor even wrote to students who had not been participating to request that they speak up more in class.

课堂教学。 在美国,无论是商学院或是本科,我们都没有纯粹地“讲授式”教学。教授们通常都希望,甚至要求课堂互动与讨论,而学生们也会在关键点上主动提问。大多数情况下,我们不认为这种“打断”是不礼貌的,因为美国学生普遍有一种“消费者心理”:我们花钱花时间来到这个课堂,就是知识和教授的消费者,就有权得到满意的答案,有权请教授当下进一步阐述不明之处。我听说有的教授甚至亲自写信给那些课上过于“安静”的同学,请他们踊跃发言。

I imagine this is a difficult practice to begin if one comes from a place where the classroom dynamic centers on the professor speaking uninterrupted. But in the States I think students come to class to learn as much from each other as from the teacher, and so participation is viewed positively and seen as part of the unwritten contract. I know from speaking to other American students, we yearned to hear from our international classmates more, especially at the start of the year.


Of course, not all participation is valid or particularly helpful. Students will often ask questions they should know the answer to, or attempt to build on a point with an off-base comment. Interestingly, I think if a group of students is in a class together consistently (as we are at Yale with our cohort system), the group begins to subtly govern itself and members whose contributions might not be adding to the total experience will get the hint and aim to consider the good of the whole when raising their hand. But shifting between absorbing the lecture and participating in a conversation about it is a key feature of the classroom experience.


Teamwork. The team is the core unit of business school education, as it's meant to mirror what we will all face when we go back to the workplace. In American business schools, as in American business, everything gets done as a team. Though Americans value entrepreneurial spirit and individual drive, for whatever cultural reasons we believe teamwork is the Holy Grail for well-functioning businesses and organizations. I think it's the sense of cooperation and give-and-take, which most of us learned even in our family units that translates into how we learn and work. And though we all worked before coming to Yale, the heavy reliance on teamwork here is structured to teach us how to balance strengths, interests, and working styles for the good of the whole.


My study team was a typical blend of backgrounds, industries, and future goals. We all had different ways of working and part of the challenge (and lesson) was learning how best to work together. Teamwork here does differ from most workplace scenarios, because there is no hierarchy, no boss calling the shots. Leaders may naturally emerge or this position might rotate throughout the course of the year. But since no one can fire anyone else, the team really does need to reach harmony through cooperation and respect.


According to friends from China and other countries, teamwork can occasionally be challenging or viewed as an inefficient use of time. The amount of discussion and debate that occurs can hamper the outcome. I don't think this complaint is unique to international students″it's one I sometimes share″as do others. But having worked in companies with meeting-heavy, team-oriented cultures, I know that the test of my time and patience is helping to prepare me for the post-MBA world. If anything, we can use our time here at Yale to learn how to make better and more effective use of our teams.


Socializing and Networking. Business school is not just about the classes. And depending on who you ask, it's not even mostly about the classes. Networking within the student body is a key piece of the experience, and the one with the most potential future benefit. In our tightly knit community are future CEOs, CFOs, Presidents of companies, government officials, and board members. It's to our benefit to get to know each and every member of the class. This was certainly the attitude I had coming into Yale, and among the people I was most eager to get to know were the international students. Learning about other cultures is one of the reasons.

社交网络。商学院绝不仅仅是上课学习(甚至有同学说,主要不是学习……)。与同学们多交往,建立起一个社交网络是重要组成部分,而且是将来能为每个人带来益处的好事。在我们这个紧密的团体里,有未来的CEO, CFO,公司主席,政府领袖等等,我们应该努力认识每个人,与大家成为好朋友。我正是本着这个态度来到管院,也正是这个原因使我一直很积极去了解更多国际同学。

I love to travel; business school seemed great because it brought all of those cultures to a single place. However after the first few weeks of school, people started to break down into groups, often by nationality. I too am to blame; most of the friends I spend time with outside of class are Americans. However as president of the student body, I plan many events that aim to bring everyone together.


Still, these events are not often attended by all groups. Speaking to some of my Chinese friends, I know that they can find the socializing more of a chore than pure fun. Perhaps because of language or cultural reference barriers, not everyone mingles as much as would be ideal. I think socializing is another piece of the business school experience that mirrors American business culture. In the U.S., many business deals and arrangements are forged in social settings, and high value is put on relationship-building.


It's not always about being the best or brightest, but often comes down to who you know and how well you know them. Social networking sites like LinkedIn have become hugely popular ways for businesspeople to stay connected. In some ways business school is a real-life version of LinkedIn. Lucky for us at Yale, people are truly interested in each other's lives and ambitions, so the networking is not fake. Yet it is important and everyone would do well to take part. Sticking to our comfort zones and our areas of familiarity cheats ourselves and our peers out of the opportunity to break down barriers and get to know new people in new ways.


Lest this be read as a primer for international students considering a move to the U.S. for business school, I want to underscore the fact that American students have responsibility too. The first is to recognize the courage it takes to not only leave gainful employment for business school, but to do so across oceans and continents, in a foreign culture with unfamiliar customs. I have nothing but the deepest respect for Adam and his peers. Second, as Americans, we shouldn't think of ourselves as teachers of our way of schooling, but students who can learn from the customs and behaviors of our international classmates. Only with both groups taking an open attitude and learning from one another can a truly global business school emerge. And though it may be a school located in the U.S. it will have a tone of inclusion and appreciation that will adequately prepare us to be global business leaders.


  • unfamiliaradj. 不熟悉的
  • communityn. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落
  • challengingadj. 大胆的(复杂的,有前途的,挑战的) n. 复杂
  • emergevi. 浮现,(由某种状态)脱出,(事实)显现出来
  • comfortn. 舒适,安逸,安慰,慰藉 vt. 安慰,使舒适
  • recognizevt. 认出,认可,承认,意识到,表示感激
  • globaladj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的
  • adequatelyadv. 足够地,充分地,适当地
  • perspectiven. 远景,看法,透视 adj. 透视的
  • shiftingn. 转移 adj. 不断改换的 动词shift的现在分