1. Clarify your objectives. Put them in writing. Then set your priorities. Make
sure you°Ore getting what you really want out of life
2. Focus on objectives, not on activities. Your most important activities are those
that help you accomplish your objectives.
3. Set at least one major objective each day and achieve it.
4. Record a time log periodically to analyze how you use your time, and keep bad
time habits out of your life.
5. Analyze everything you do in terms of your objectives. Find out what you do,
when you do it, why you do it. Ask yourself what would happen if you didn°Ot do it
If the answer is nothing, then stop doing it.
5、 分析所有你做的和目标相关的事。看看你做了什么,何时做的以及为何而做,问自己如果你没有做这件事会有什么不一样的结果发生吗?如果答案是否定的,那么停止继续做这件事;
6. Eliminate at least one time-waster from your life each week.
7. Plan your time. Write out a plan for each week. Ask yourself what you hope to
accomplish by the end of the week and what you will need to do to achieve those
8. Make a to-do list every day. Be sure it includes your daily objectives, priorities,
and time estimates, not just random activities.
9. Schedule your time every day to make sure you accomplish the most important
things first. Be sure to leave room for the unexpected and for interruptions. But
remember that things that are scheduled have a better chance of working out than
things that are unscheduled.
10. Make sure that the first hour of your workday is productive.
11. Set time limits for every task you undertake.
11. 为每个你执行的任务设定时间限制;
12. Take the time to do it right the first time. You won°Ot have to waste time doin
it over.
12. 花点时间一次做对,你就不必浪费时间重做一次;
13. Eliminate recurring crises from your life. Find out why things keep going
wrong. Learn to proact instead of react.
14. Institute a quiet hour in your day (R)C a block of uninterrupted time for your mos
important tasks.
14、设定一个安静的时段—— 不被打扰的一块时间处理你最重要的事务;
15. Develop the habit of finishing what you start. Don°Ot jump from one thing t
another, leaving a string of unfinished tasks behind you.
16. Conquer procrastination. Learn to do it now.
17. Make better time management a daily habit. Set your objectives, clarify your
priorities, plan and schedule your time. Do first things first. Resist your impulses
to do unscheduled tasks. Review your activities.
18. Never spend time on less important things when you could be spending it on
more important things.
18、 如果你可以把时间用在做更重要的事上,就不要用在次重要的事上。
19. Take time for yourself°(TM)time to dream, time to relax, time to live
19、 花点时间在自己身上——花时间梦想、放松、生活;
20. Develop a personal philosophy of time (R)C what time means to you and how tim
relates to your life.