名著精读《傲慢与偏见》第十章 第1节
日期:2010-01-29 17:21



THE day passed much as the day before had done. Mrs. Hurst and Miss Bingley had spent some hours of the morning with the invalid, who continued, though slowly, to mend; and in the evening Elizabeth joined their party in the drawing room. The loo table, however, did not appear. Mr. Darcy was writing, and Miss Bingley, seated near him, was watching the progress of his letter, and repeatedly calling off his attention by messages to his sister. Mr. Hurst and Mr. Bingley were at piquet, and Mrs. Hurst was observing their game.


Elizabeth took up some needlework, and was sufficiently amused in attending to what passed between Darcy and his companion. The perpetual commendations of the lady either on his hand-writing, or on the evenness of his lines, or on the length of his letter, with the perfect unconcern with which her praises were received, formed a curious dialogue, and was exactly in unison with her opinion of each.



1.invalid adj. 无效的,伤残的

The girl spent all her spare time to take after her invalid mother.

2.mend [mend] n. 修补,改进,修补处 vt. 修改,改进 vi. 改过自新,改进,痊愈

3.needlework n. 针线活,缝纫手艺

Her needlework is quite presentable.

4.commendation n. 赞赏,嘉奖,推荐,奖状,奖赏

Her painting won a commendation from the teacher.

5.evenness n. 平均,平坦,平等

6.unison['ju:nizn] n. 调和,和谐,一致

The last verse will be sung in unison.

  • needleworkn. 刺绣,缝纫;女红的作品
  • versen. 诗,韵文,诗节 vi. 作诗 vt. 诗化,在诗中
  • amusedadj. 有趣的
  • perpetualadj. 永恒的,永久的,一再往复的
  • unconcernn. 不感兴趣,不担忧
  • curiousadj. 好奇的,奇特的
  • spareadj. 多余的,闲置的,备用的,简陋的 v. 抽出,饶
  • companionn. 同伴,同事,成对物品之一,(船的)甲板间扶梯(或扶