Having now a good house and very sufficient income, he intended to marry; and in seeking a reconciliation with the Longbourn family he had a wife in view, as he meant to chuse one of the daughters, if he found them as handsome and amiable as they were represented by common report. This was his plan of amends -- of atonement -- for inheriting their father's estate; and he thought it an excellent one, full of eligibility and suitableness, and excessively generous and disinterested on his own part.
His plan did not vary on seeing them. -- Miss Bennet's lovely face confirmed his views, and established all his strictest notions of what was due to seniority; and for the first evening she was his settled choice. The next morning, however, made an alteration; for in a quarter of an hour's te^te-a`-te^te with Mrs. Bennet before breakfast, a conversation beginning with his parsonage-house, and leading naturally to the avowal of his hopes that a mistress for it might be found at Longbourn, produced from her, amid very complaisant smiles and general encouragement, a caution against the very Jane he had fixed on. --
"As to her younger daughters she could not take upon her to say -- she could not positively answer -- but she did not know of any prepossession; -- her eldest daughter, she must just mention -- she felt it incumbent on her to hint, was likely to be very soon engaged."
1.sufficient adj. 足够的,充分的
In order to maintain physical well being, a person should eat wholesome food and get sufficient exercise.
2.reconciliation n. 调和,和解
We've tried our best to effect reconciliation between the two parties.
3.amiable adj. 和蔼的,亲切的
He is an amiable person.
4.amend v. 修正,改进
Please amend your copy of the contract accordingly.
5.atonement n. 赎罪,弥补
Christ's atonement is for the sins of mankind.
6.eligibility n. 合格,资格
Her qualifications and experience confirm her eligibility for the job.
7.disinterested adj. 不感兴趣的,无私欲的,公平的 动词disinterest的过去式和过去分词形式
He is a disinterested person.
8.seniority n. 长辈,前任者的特权,老资格
Does seniority give one the right to command?
9.alteration n. 改变,变更
The timetable is subject to alteration.
10.parsonage n. 牧师住宅,圣职薪俸
They say that away down in the village, and even in the distant parsonage, that cry raised the sleepers from their beds.
11.avowal n. 声明,公开宣称,公开承认
To make an earnest avowal or affirmation.
12.complaisant adj. 殷勤的,顺从的,彬彬有礼的
She’s always helpful and complaisant.
13.positively adv. 必定地,确实地,断然地,绝对地,积极地
The weather in June was positively autumnal.
14.prepossession n. 预先形成的印象(全神贯注)
15.incumbent adj. 凭依的,依靠的,负有义务的 n. 领圣职的俸禄的牧师,在职者
It's incumbent on you to advise your son before he leaves home.
1.Having now a good house and very sufficient income, he intended to marry; and in seeking a reconciliation with the Longbourn family he had a wife in view, as he meant to chuse one of the daughters, if he found them as handsome and amiable as they were represented by common report. This was his plan of amends -- of atonement -- for inheriting their father's estate; and he thought it an excellent one, full of eligibility and suitableness, and excessively generous and disinterested on his own part.
【难句解析】having now a good...是做intended的伴随状语;intend to“准备、想要”;in view“看得见、意在”;as...as...“和...一样”;on one's own part“就某人自己来说”;
I hear they intend to marry.
I don't intend to listen to this rubbish any longer!
In view of our long-standing relationship, we agree to allow you a discount.
The old man is as old as the old tree.
I would like to end by quoting from British philosopher Bertrand Russell’s “Principles of Social Reconstruction” - “It is impossible to prevent others from feeling hostile, but it is possible to avoid any reciprocal hostility on one’s own part, by imaginative understanding and the sympathy which grow out of it.”
2.His plan did not vary on seeing them. -- Miss Bennet's lovely face confirmed his views, and established all his strictest notions of what was due to seniority; and for the first evening she was his settled choice.
【难句解析】on doing...“一...(就)...”;due“应得的、应有的”;
The baby smiled on seeing her mother.
due profits
3.she felt it incumbent on her to hint, was likely to be very soon engaged.
【难句解析】be incumbent on“义不容辞”;
It is particularly incumbent on those who never change their opinion, to be secure of judging properly at first.