1.Figure out what you want to do, (eg. Audition for the school play)and what people's reactions to it will be. If it's a reaction you don't agree with, or is trying to get you to not do whatever you want to do, that isn't right.
2.Think "Why do I care so much about what this person thinks of me?" If you want to do something, you should do it!!
3. Whatever reason you care about what they think with you, turn it off. It should be as easy as that. If you are experiencing some difficulty, or it isn't as easy as I think, think of all the reasons why you shouldn't care what they think. (eg... they don't really even know you, if they don't like something about you, they're just going to have to deal with it or they're not really your friends, this is who you are, you like being funny or smart or whatever characteristics you have, etc...)
4. Know that if that hasn't worked, or you would like to put your stoicism to the test, just go out and try doing whatever you want to do. This is the best solution, and I know it's hard, but this is what life is about, isn't it? Doing the things you love? If you won't do it now, when will you? It's time to stop being afraid and show people who you are!! Stop letting life pass you by doing nothing!
出去散心。如果以上方法均不可以,那么走出去, 做一件让自己开心的事,做自己想做的事。
5. Dress how you want, nobody should tell you how to do that. Unless you are planning on wearing yellow tights and underwear on top with no shirt.
6. Listen to whatever music you want. Music is a big label with young people these days, and if you listen to what you want, then who cares? Music is music.
7. Be happy, knowing you are more confident in yourself, and free to do whatever else it is you like doing, without being trapped in the cage called "peer pressure".
8.Also, people can think what they want. People who think in a judging way don't just judge one person, they probably judge everyone in some way. It's not your problem if someone judges you. It's theirs.
9.Also, remember, that you are not the only one that might be afraid of what others think of you. There are loads of people, who mostly think about themselves, and just...don't care about you.
10. If people try to put you down, ignore them. Make comments in your mind to yourself to perk you up. Don't look like you notice them, either, or they'll know you're afraid.