Last night the Queen and Prince Philip were entertained by a leather-clad Lady Gaga, a stomach-baring X Factor winner and a 17-year-old in miniscule hotpants. Royal encounter: Lady Gaga bows to the Queen after the Royal Variety Performance in Blackpool
近日,英国女王伊丽莎白二世与菲利普亲王在出席位于英国城市Blackpool的英国皇家文艺汇演时与如今大红大紫的嘎嘎小姐、09年英国热门选秀节目X Factor胜利者得主等明星致意并感谢。
Blackpool has seen plenty of changes since last hosting the Royal Variety Show more than 50 years ago. But none as noticeable as the performers on the bill.
Royal effort: GaGa wore a red leather Elizabethan-inspired dress. Gaga arrived on stage to close the show wearing a red leather dress with a 20ft long red train. She teamed the outfit with huge circles of red eye make-up, for a panda-style look.
Her dress appeared to be inspired by Queen Elizabeth I, with an oversized ruffle at the neck.
Piano player: Suspended on a swing her performance spared no expense
Swinging by: Lady Gaga gave the audience their money's worth