What does the winter holiday mean to you? Snacks? Computer games, sleeping late, TV programs and potato chips? But winter holiday could be a lot more fun and meaningful. Read Teens' suggestions and enjoy a healthy and fruitful holiday. 跟老套说白白,让我们的寒假更精彩!
1. Hold a sleepover party on the first day. Invite your friends and classmates. Now celebrate the end of a semester's schoolwork! 在好友家过夜,一起庆祝假期的到来!
2. Chess teaches you how to think and plan. Get a parent to teach you how to play. If you're not a beginner, try to learn some new moves. 学下国际象棋,思考又补脑。
3. If you're not happy with the ending of the last Harry Potter book, write a new one and send it to J. K. Rowling. Maybe she'll send you a reply. 如果你对哈里波特的结局耿耿于怀,不妨写下自己的期待,然后寄给作者罗琳。
4. Study food and find out what is good for your mum and dad. Cook a healthy breakfast for your parents. 给父母做顿健康早餐。
5. Do you like science and history? Visit a museum. Take a notebook and pen with you. How much can you learn? 参观博物馆增长见闻。
6. Are there any crossroads near you that can be improved? Can people cross the road before the light changes? Report problems to government offices through hotlines or emails. 留意路面交通状况,把你发现的问题向政府汇报。
7. How much does your family plan to spend during the Spring Festival? Try to make a budget for your family. Help your parents with the festival shopping. 给父母做份春节开销预算,做个家庭理财好助手。
8. Which is your dream foreign city? Find the cheapest, shortest way to get there. 享受一段异国之旅。
9. Write down the temperatures for two weeks. Try to find the temperature records for ten years ago and compare them. Is it getting warmer or colder? 记录近期天气状况,并和10前的数据进行对比,总结气候变化的趋势。
10. Did you miss some good movies because you were busy doing schoolwork? Catch up now. You can laugh, enjoy yourselves and learn at the same time. 紧张的学业一定让你错过了不少优秀电影,快快找补回来吧。
11. Which Olympic events do the Chinese pay closest attention to? Do a survey of different age groups. How do they like different events? 中国人更喜欢什么奥运项目?不妨分年龄段做个调查问卷。
12. Can you manage life when you're home alone? Are electrical appliances a big problem for you? Learn how to use them with the help of Mom and Dad. 在父母的帮助下学会使用家里的电器。
13. Get up early and look at the sky. Can you see the morning star from the balcony ? 晨起仰望天空,你能看到启明星吗?
14. Perhaps you don't know which books to read this holiday. Why not check out Teens' picks for some ideas? 参考书籍排行榜选择几本好书。
15. How many animals are endangered in China? Study at least one animal and find out why it is in trouble. 你知道中国有哪些濒临灭绝的动物吗?深入研究一种动物,并试着找出原因。
16. Make your own lantern for the Lantern festival. You don't have to make it very complicated. Why not just use a cola bottle and a candle? 自己动手为元宵节做盏灯笼。利用可乐罐和蜡烛就是个不错的创意呢。
17. Everyone should do his or her part to protect the environment. Tell your environmentally friendly ideas to the people around you. You can start by saving water and electricity (电) at home. 宣传环保观念,从节水节电做起。
18. How do poets describe winter with English? Read some winter poems or write one yourself. 试着做回诗人,用英文来描绘美丽的冬天。