She's famous for spearheading new trends and getting an entire nation of fashion-conscious females to embrace the sculpted broad-shouldered look.
The star performed energetic dance routines - accessorising with a baton and fishnet tights
In an interview with the Sunday Times Magazine, the star expained her penchant for imaginative ensembles during her performances, saying: 'It's part pop show, part performance art, part fashion installation.
'It came about because as an artist, as a writer, as a woman, I feel I've evolved so much.'
And despite her risque stage appearances, she insisted she is still single: 'I don't know enough men and I'm quite isolated.
让人意想不到的是,提另一半的态度,Lady Gaga这样说:我觉得我不大了解男人,我还是比较孤立的个体。
Unlikely icon: Gaga turned to Santa's favourite animal to inspire her outfit for leaving the London event
不可思议的另类“标志”:Lady Gaga在伦敦的一场晚会上打扮成圣诞老人的亲密伴侣“麋鹿”来迎接圣诞,这只全透明的麋鹿再一次印证了Lady Gaga长盛不衰的流行坐标的位置。