Clarity Coming On Michael Jackson Estate
摘要:围绕已逝流行歌王麦克尔•杰克逊(Michael Jackson)的诸多相互纠缠的事务有望在本周早些时候接近厘清。美国法庭周一将召开一场听证会,届时可能会决定谁将有权力处理杰克逊的财产。
The tangled affairs of Michael Jackson could move closer to resolution early this week, with a court hearing scheduled for Monday likely to determine who will have power over the late pop singer's estate.
Meanwhile, Los Angeles police were bracing for an expected flood of people attempting to attend the singer's memorial service on Tuesday.
The hearing, in Los Angeles Superior Court, is to address whether decisions about Mr. Jackson's property and business should made by executors named in his will or by Mr. Jackson's parents, Joe and Katherine. The will names as executors two longtime friends and business associates of Mr. Jackson: lawyer John Branca and record executive John McClain.
Until Judge Mitchell Beckloff decides who is in charge of Mr. Jackson's business affairs, people close to the situation said, no one is authorized to take action, for instance, against people hawking unauthorized T-shirts and videos without paying royalties to Mr. Jackson's estate. Last week Judge Beckloff gave Mrs. Jackson limited authority over some of her son's personal property.
L. Londell McMillan, a lawyer who worked briefly for Michael Jackson who says he now represents the parents, has made public comments and court filings that appear to question the validity of the 2002 will. But privately family members have told associates that they approve of the plans laid out in the will.
The will calls for Mrs. Jackson, 79 years old, to serve as guardian for the late pop singer's three children. It places his assets in a trust that benefits Mrs. Jackson and the children, along with charities.
Spokesmen for the Jackson family said 1.6 million people had registered for 8,750 free pairs of tickets to the service, which is to take place Tuesday morning at Staples Center, the sports and entertainment arena owned by AEG. The company's concert-promotion arm, AEG Live, was to have staged 50 concerts by Mr. Jackson starting later this month.
Decisions about who would get the tickets were to be made by a lottery-type drawing Sunday. AEG officials are trying to make sure that the lottery winners can't resell the tickets. Ticket recipients were notified by email Sunday and required to pick up the tickets in person, with wristbands affixed at the pickup location. As a result, few, if any, tickets were listed for sale Sunday on eBay or Craigslist.
Given the disparity between the level of interest and the number of tickets available, the Los Angeles Police Department said people without both tickets and wristbands wouldn't be allowed within several blocks of Staples Center on Tuesday.
Details of the memorial service weren't officially disclosed, but people familiar with the situation indicated that it would be a theatrical affair, with many of its elements planned by Kenny Ortega, the director for Mr. Jackson's concert series. The service will be broadcast live at 10 a.m. Pacific time on at least five TV networks.
The cause of Mr. Jackson's death June 25 remained under investigation. The Associated Press reported Friday that a powerful general-anesthetic drug called Diprivan had been found in the rented Los Angeles home where he collapsed.
围绕已逝流行歌王麦克尔•杰克逊(Michael Jackson)的诸多相互纠缠的事务有望在本周早些时候接近厘清。美国法庭周一将召开一场听证会,届时可能会决定谁将有权力处理杰克逊的财产。
洛杉矶高等法庭召开的此次听证会将决定,应由杰克逊遗嘱中列出的执行人,还是由他的父母来处理杰克逊的财产和生意。遗嘱中列出的执行人是杰克逊的两位多年好友和业务助手:律师布兰卡(John Branca)和唱片制作人麦克莱恩(John McClain)。
据知情人士透露,法官贝克洛夫(Mitchell Beckloff)届时将决定谁来接手杰克逊的生意事务。在此之前,没有人有权力采取相关行动,例如对未支付版权费就贩卖未经授权的T恤与视频的人采取行动。上周法官贝克洛夫授予了杰克逊母亲处理杰克逊部分个人物品的有限权力。
曾短暂为杰克逊服务的律师麦克米兰(L. Londell McMillan)称他目前代表着杰克逊父母,他已经发表了公开言论并提供了法庭文件,质疑杰克逊2002年遗嘱的有效性。但杰克逊家人私下曾告诉助手说,他们认可遗嘱列出的处理方案。
杰克逊家人的发言人表示,目前已有160万人申请领取8,750套杰克逊悼念仪式的免费入场券。每套入场券有两张。该仪式将于周二上午在AEG公司所有的运动和娱乐场馆──斯台普斯中心(Staples Center)举行。AEG旗下的演唱会推广公司AEG Live原定于本月晚些时候筹办50场杰克逊的演唱会。
有关悼念仪式的具体细节没有公布,但知情人士透露,这场仪式可能会像舞台节目,很多内容是由杰克逊系列演唱会的导演奥特加(Kenny Ortega)策划的。仪式将在太平洋时间上午10时通过至少五个电视网络进行直播。
1. executor n.遗嘱执行人
They ask a trustworthy friend of theirs to be the executor.
2. unauthorized adj. 未被授权的,未经认可的
Commercial banks make few loans to minors and unauthorized persons.
3. validity n. 有效;效力;合法性
The tests have been shown to be of dubious validity.
4. arena n. 表演场地,竞技场;活动或斗争的场所或场面
The circus elephants were led into the arena.
She entered the political arena at the age of 25.
5. notify vt. 通知,告知,报告
When my guest arrives, please notify me.
6. affix vt. 粘贴
He affixed the sign to the wall.
7. disparity n. 不同,不等;不一致;悬殊
Rich and poor live side by side but in conditions of extraordinary disparity.
8. Pacific Time n. 美国西部标准时间
Mountain time is one hour later than Pacific time and one hour earlier than central time.
9. general anesthetic 全身麻醉药
Spokesmen for the Jackson family said 1.6 million people had registered for 8,750 free pairs of tickets to the service, which is to take place Tuesday morning at Staples Center, the sports and entertainment arena owned by AEG.
register for 表示“为……注册〔登记〕 ”
An increasing number of students are registering for degree courses each year.