The US secretary of sate and British Foreign Secretary appeared delighted to find themselves sitting next to each other for a meeting of foreign ministers at Nato headquarters in Brussels.
There were warm greetings, a few laughs and Mrs Clinton appeared charmed by Mr Miliband's witty asides.
Perhaps he was joking about a magazine article last month, in which Mrs Clinton praised his youthful vitality.
When a Vogue journalist joked that she had a crush on Mr Miliband, Mrs Clinton replied: "Well, if you saw him it would be a big crush. I mean, he is so vibrant, vital, attractive, smart. He's really a good guy. And he's so young!"
Mr Miliband, 44, has been equally complimentary about his opposite number in the past, saying Mrs Clinton, 62, is someone who is "delightful to deal with one on one".
He added: "She uses her experience in a very impressive way. She's someone who laughs and can tease, and she's got perspective as well."
It is not the first time US and British foreign ministers have hit it off.