Anna Wintour
Anna Wintour Vogue
With more media mentions and the highest year-over-year increase in circulation, there’s no denying Anna Wintour has been at the forefront of the retail and fashion industry over the last year. Her weakness? Online presence. While Style.com is a popular site within the fashion industry, it’s failed thus far to reach a mass audience.
1. 安娜·温图尔《时尚》
随着越来越多的媒体关注,加上创下最高发行年增长率,不可否认安娜·温图尔在过去一年已经成为零售业和时装业的龙头老大。她的弱点?网站浏览量。虽然网站Style.com 在时尚界很受欢迎,但它迄今都没有成为点击量大的网站。
Cindi Leive
Cindi Leive Glamour
While Leive might have been bumped to number two by Wintour’s shining star, her influence on the masses is undeniable. Glamour.com’s Web presence in particular has increased, jumping 54% year-overyear to 1.3 million unique users in July 2009. What’s more, Leive had the second highest number of media mentions, as well as a 1.5% increase in circulation (nearly 2.4 million) over the first half of 2009.
2. 辛迪·利维《魅力》
利维现在已成为除温图尔之外最耀眼的明星,她对大众的影响力无可辩驳。特别是网站Glamour.com 的浏览量增加了,2009 年7 月的有效客户较去年同比上升了54%,达到130 万。而且利维的媒体曝光量高居第二位,杂志发行量也比2009 年上半年增长 1.5%(将近240 万)。
Roberta “Robbie”
Roberta “Robbie” Myers Elle
Along with the exposure she’s facilitated through deals with television shows like MTV’s The Hills, the vice president and editor-in-chief of Elle boosted her magazine’s exposure with an increasing online presence.
3. 罗伯塔·“罗比”·迈尔斯《她》
通过与MTV 电视网《好莱坞女孩》等电视节目所签订的协议,迈尔斯的曝光率也随之增加,《她》杂志的副社长和总编也通过不断增长的网站浏览量推动了杂志的曝光率。
Lesley Jane Seymour
Lesley Jane Seymour More
A newcomer to the list this year, former Marie Claire editor Lesley Jane Seymour has led More – a magazine for women in their 40s and 50s – since January 2008. While the number of advertising pages in More dropped by 5% over the first half of 2009, its advertising sales actually increased by 9% to $62.8 million.
4. 莱斯利·简·西摩《More》
《嘉人》杂志的前任编辑莱斯利·简·西摩是今年入榜的新人,她自2008 年1 月开始担任供40 岁和 50 岁年龄段的女性阅读的《More》杂志的主编。虽然2009 年上半年的广告页数下降了5%,但其广告销售额却增长了9%,达到6280 万美元。
Linda Wells
Linda Wells Allure
While beauty advertising has taken a huge hit over the last year – Allure’s advertising sales over the first half of 2009 decreased by 28% to $63.8 million – editor Linda Wells has made great headway online.
5. 琳达·韦尔斯《诱惑》
尽管美容广告在去年遭受重创——2009 年上半年《诱惑》杂志的广告销售额下降了28%,降到6380 万美元——但主编琳达·韦尔斯在网站方面取得了巨大进展。
Glenda Bailey
Glenda Bailey Harper’s Bazaar
While luxury publication Bazaar has struggled over the last year financially – year-over-year advertising sales were down over the first half of 2009 by 22.9% to $73.3 million – Bailey’s media push has served the publication well.
6. 格伦达·贝利《时尚芭莎》
尽管奢侈品杂志《时尚芭莎》在去年一直艰难地维持财政收支平衡——2009 年上半年广告销售额较去年同比下降了22.9%,降到7330 万美元——但贝利推动媒体宣传对杂志起到了积极的作用。
Ariel Foxman
Ariel Foxman In Style
While newcomer to the list Ariel Foxman, who was appointed managing editor at Time Inc.’s In Style in September 2008, isn’t a regular on a television show as of yet, his fashion director Hal Rubenstein is now a judge onLifetime’s Blush: The Search for the Next Great Make-up Artist. And Foxman’s publication led the way in number of advertising pages, boasting over 1,000 during the first half of 2009.
7. 阿里尔·福克斯曼《型时代》
尽管在2008 年9 月被任命为美国时代华纳集团旗下《型时代》杂志总编辑的阿里尔·福克斯曼是榜单新人,很少参加电视节目,但他的时尚总监哈尔·鲁本斯坦现在是美国“一生” 女性频道《幻彩魔刷:寻找下一个化妆大师》节目的评委。福克斯曼的刊物在广告页数上领先,据称在2009 年上半年总计超过1000 页。
Kate White
Kate White Cosmopolitan
While the magazine about sex is also packed with quite a bit of fashion, editor Kate White dropped some spots this year on the list. Why? Lack of media presence, a 20% drop in the number of ad pages and a 15.8% decrease in advertising revenue.
8. 凯特·怀特《大都会》
尽管这本关于性的杂志也有相当多的时尚内容,但编辑凯特·怀特今年在排行榜的位置却下降了几位。为什么呢?因为缺乏媒体宣传,广告页数下降了20%,并且广告收入下降了 15.8%。
Joanna Coles
Joanna Coles Marie Claire
Coles’ choice to hire Project Runway judge Nina Garcia as fashion director in May 2008 and her decision to allow camera crews into the editorial offices via The Style Network’s reality series Running in Heels elevated the magazine’s profile.
9. 乔安娜·科尔斯《嘉人》
科尔斯在2008 年5 月聘请《天桥骄子》节目的评委妮娜·加西亚担任时尚总监,并允许摄制组进入编辑部,通过时装网的真人秀节目《穿着高跟鞋狂奔》提升杂志形象。
Ann Shoket
Ann Shoket Seventeen
Shoket dropped one place this year, but she didn’t fare as poorly as Teen Vogue’s Amy Astley, who was displaced from the list altogether. Both of these editors struggle with a demographic almost entirely focused on Internet entertainment.
10. 安·肖克特《17 岁》