Everyone wants to achieve beauty and health. To succeed humans should constantly work ontheir diet. It is very important to eat nourishing but healthy food and decrease fats; all these effectively impact on our complete conditionand appearance。
To feature out which food results your beauty read on the following。
Carrots 胡萝卜
This vegetabl eprotects and keeps the outer skin layer and results preventing premature aging. The components of carrot correspond to Retin A。
Tomatoes 西红柿
Tomatoes is a remarkable vegetable for your skin as it is high in vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium。
Sweet Potatoes 红薯
Sweet potatocontains lots of vitamin A. This vitamin is very important as it isconsidered to be anti-wrinkling agent. Include it into your diet and your skin will become smother and cleaner。
Nonfat Yogurt 脱脂酸奶
If you wish tohave your teeth cavity-free and white-teeth smile nonfat yogurt should be included in your diet. Its bonus contains in calcium, it is high init。
Citrus Fruits 柑橘类水果
Lemons, orangesand any other citrus fruit form collagen resulting to holding the skincells together. It is necessary to drink fruit juices and eat fruitevery day. As the matter of fact, collagen cannot be added to the skintopically。
Garlic 大蒜
Garlic is very useful for your beauty as well. It assists to combat wrinkles. In addition, it restores tissue。
Wheat Germ 小麦胚芽
If you do not know how to become free of pimples, wheat germs will effectively help you. The only thing you should do to eat two or three tables poons of what germs per day. Add it into your food such as to yogurt, cottage cheese and such。
Apple Cider Vinegar 苹果醋
The heavy concentration of apple cider vinegar results to peeling off dead skincells. In addition it splits fat and assist food digest。
Cheese 芝士
It is better toeat such kind of cheese as Swiss, cheddar, or Gouda. These ones assistin preventing cavities. In addition, the above kinds of cheese blockbacteria in the mouth. Hence if you wish to have a nice smile, includea slice or two into your diet。
While choosing the food do not forget to include the beneath-mentioned。
Vegetables 蔬菜
You need to eat vegetables at least times per day. It will be useful to eat raw and leafy greens。
Meat 肉类
Eat no more than three ounce servings per day. Do not forget to take off all fat. It will be better to include turkey or chicken in two servings. And the third ounce should be fish。
Fruits 水果
To keep your beauty keep two to three servings of fruit in a day. You may eat fruitsalad for the 1st serving and chopped /sliced fruit for the 2nd serving。
Dairy 乳制品
Try to keep two servings per day. A serving should contain eight ounces of milk or yogurt。
Fats 油脂
Try to decrease to two servings of salad dressing, cooking oil, butter, and mayonnaise。
Note your health and beauty depends only on you. Be sure you will manage to keep them。