第十名 加州伯帝
Bodi was built in 1876, is a real American ghost town. Although the surrounding area has attracted tens of thousands of people because of the rich mineral, it is only a small mining city at first. In 1880, Bodi miners increased to about 10,000 people - that is its heyday.
第九名 台湾,三芝
The following is an abandoned northern Taiwan city: located in Sanchih, this small trendy detachable spacecraft cabin town, originally designed for rich, luxurious resort. During the construction, there were a lot of accidental deaths, so the construction was shelved. A plan with a lack of money and uses meant a standstill, but the outside of the star-shaped building is now like a memory of a deceased person. In fact, there are rumors that the nearby city is really haunted.
第八名 塞浦路斯瓦罗沙
Wa Luosha (Varosha) is located in Famagusta,Cyprus, occupied by Turks. It was originally a modern tourist city, also one of the world's most luxurious resorts. In 1974, the Turks attacked Cyprus and divided the island. Local residents have fled, looking forward to one day returning to their homeland.
第七名 日本长崎县
End Island is one of 505 desert islands in Japan's Nagasaki Prefecture, 15 kilometers from the city of Nagasaki. Appearance of islands shaped like ships, so it is also known as the Warship Island. In 1890, Mitsubishi Corporation (Mitsubishi) bought the island, and developed coal resources of the seabed. It has attracted people's attention. In 1961, they were forced to build the largest concrete building of Japan here. The building can accommodate all of the offshore workers and protect them from hurricane damage.
第六名 意大利Balestrino
Balestrino is a very special case. You are almost unable to find decent information on here. At least as an abandoned city, no one can know exactly when the city was buit, although the record can be traced back 11 centuries ago.
第五名 台湾,卡里多游乐场
In addition to these population-based ruins, I think I should talk about something else. And now it happens to be Miyazaki's Oscar-winning film "Spirited Away a thousand miles" . People who saw the film would know: at the beginning, a family happened to find an old theme park. The park was built in 80s, anf it has reduced to rubble. In Asia, this is very common. One can find a lot of fun but abandoned park. This is also one of them, although it is not because of the closure of economic losses.
第四名 宾州的废矿场
In 1841, JohnathanFaust in Centralia opened the first Bulls tavern. In 1866, it has been consolidated as an autonomous town of Centralia. The main local industries are anthracite, but in the 1960s, many companies in this area were suspended. In 1962, due to the burning of garbage each week, an opencast coal mine was accidentally ignited. As a result, an underground coal mine fire occurred. The fire continued to burn till the 1960s and 1970s.
第三名 日本八岛
8 Island is a beautiful plateau at the northeast of Takamatsu. 8 Island is the battlefield of the famous Genpei war on March 22, 1185. The highest point on the island is the Eight Island Temple, which is a famous pilgrimage in the Four Countries. This is also the only reason why people go to the place, but not always the case.
第二名 乌克兰普利皮亚及
Pripyat is an abandoned city. It is in the north of the Ukraine capital Kiev's scattered region, approaching the Belorussia frontier. The population here is probably 50,000 and it is the hometown of the majority Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station workers'. The 1986 Chernobyl disaster caused here to meet the nuclear radiation threat. The city was abandoned.
第一名 意大利Craco
Craco is located at the Buss Likata district (Basilicata), Matera. About 25 miles away from the Taranto bay, occupying the instep part of the boots-shape Italy.
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