日期:2009-08-19 09:08



Still Life, Moscow, Russia, 1986

"What's the use? What's going on in the world? War and Peace hero Count Pierre Bezukhov looked at Moscow society in 1811 and wrestled with his conscience. Like this character in his epic novel, Tolstoy questioned his own life; he eventually became a vegetarian and espoused religious views that drew fire from the Russian Orthodox Church and the government. He often visited the Kremlin, right, where he met and proposed to his wife, Sofia Andreyevna Behrs, a court doctor's daughter."


有什么用处?世界上发生了什么事?1881年,《战争与和平》的男主人公伯爵皮埃尔? 别祖霍夫看着莫斯科的上流社会,同自己的良知挣扎。正如他史诗般小说里的人物一样,托尔斯泰对自己的生活提出了疑问;他最后成为素食者,并信奉从俄罗斯东正教会和政府中获得光明的宗教观点。他经常拜访克里姆林宫,也正是在那里他遇见了宫廷医师的女儿索菲亚?安德雷耶夫娜? 贝尔斯并向她求婚。

  • consciencen. 良心,责任心,顾忌
  • epicn. 史诗,叙事诗 adj. 史诗的,叙事诗的,宏大的,
  • orthodoxadj. 正(传)统的
  • eventuallyadv. 终于,最后