Citi (花旗集团)hires external help to probe management
US regulators have forced Citigroup to hire external consultants to consider whether its current management is up to the job of leading the troubled bank out of the financial crisis, in a decision that intensifies pressure on its top executives and board.
People close to the situation said Citi had retained Egon Zehnder, a headhunter(猎头) and board advisory consultancy, to carry out an in-depth management review requested by the government after stress tests on banks in May.
The push for Citi to enlist external help, led by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation(联邦存款保险公司) and backed by other regulators, underlines authorities’ desire to keep Citi’s upper echelons on a tight leash after rescuing the bank with $45bn. It also raises questions about the long-term future of Vikram Pandit, Citi’s chief executive who is under fire from the FDIC, and other senior executives.
People familiar with the matter said Citi had to present a plan of action about possible managerial changes to the board and regulators by the time it reports third-quarter results in October.
Citi has added eight new directors and replaced its finance chief in recent months.
Citi, the FDIC and Egon Zehnder declined to comment.
After the stress tests, regulators said the 10 banks that were found to need more capital had to review their management’s “expertise (专门知识)and ability to manage the risks presented by the current economic environment”.
Not all were ordered to hire external consultants. Bank of America is carrying out an internal review, according to people familiar with the matter.
Banking experts said it was not unusual for banks under close regulatory scrutiny to be asked to hire external consultants to review the strength of their managements and boards. As reported by the Financial Times last month, Citi has entered an agreement with the FDIC that increases scrutiny of the bank and requires it to fix financial, managerial and governance issues.
Keke Vew: 花旗集团(Citigroup)是当今世界资产规模最大、利润最多、全球连锁性最高、业务门类最齐全的金融服务集团。它是由花旗公司与旅行者集团于1998年合并而成、并于同期换牌上市的。换牌上市后,花旗集团运用增发新股集资于股市收购、或定向股权置换等方式进行大规模股权运作与扩张,并对收购的企业进行花旗式战略输出和全球化业务整合,成为美国第一家集商业银行、投资银行、保险、共同基金、证券交易等诸多金融服务业务于一身的金融集团。合并后的花旗集团总资产达7000亿美元,净收入为 500亿美元,在100个国家有1亿客户,拥有6000万张信用卡的消费客户。从而成为世界上规模最大的全能金融集团之一。使花旗集团在短短五年时间里,总资产规模扩大了71%,股东权益增加92%,资本实力不断提高;总收入提高72%,利润增长 2.6倍,表现出不凡的盈利能力;其股票在进行一次送股(每3股送1股)和 22次分红派息(每股分红共计$3.82)的情况下,每股净值仍提高了一倍,价格翻了一番。花旗股票是纽约股市著名的绩优蓝筹股,如其业务品牌一样著名。