buzz: 忙碌
President Hu Jintao's arrival in Seattle, the first visit by the head of state of a major country in recent years, is generating a lot ofbuzzamong the media, businesses and the Chinese community. More than 340 journalists from different media organizations worldwide have applied for press passes to cover Hu's visit.
报道中的buzz可解释为“忙碌”,其英文释义是:to move quickly and busily; bustle,举两个例子:Everyone is buzzing about.(人们都来去匆匆。)
The bus was buzzing along.(客车向前急行。)
The crowd buzzed with excitement.(群众很兴奋,嘁嘁喳喳交头接耳。)
I' ll buzz you at work.(我上班时会给你打电话。)
另外,buzz在俚语中还有一层含意:a state of pleasant intoxication or stimulation, as from alcohol or caffeine(由酒精或咖啡因而引起的兴奋或飘飘然),如:At his 74th birthday party, continuous toasts gave the old man a buzz.(在他74岁生日宴会上,人们频繁的敬酒让老人兴奋不已。)
最后,再提个词组:buzz off指“匆匆离开”。