日期:2009-06-26 11:24



Breaking a Mirror One of the most common superstition is that to break a mirror brings death, or seven years of bad luck. Since very early times the mirror has been used in fortunetelling. People believed that one could see the will of god in the mirror. To break a mirror accidentally, therefore, was interpreted as an effort on the part of the gods to prevent the person from seeing into the future. This was understood as a warning that something unpleasant would happen in the future. It is said that when Napoleon was in Italy fighting in a war, he broke a mirror accidentally which hung over Josephine’s portrait. An idea came into his mind that she had died, and he couldn’t rest until he returned home and saw for himself that she was well and alive.



  • preventv. 预防,防止
  • portraitn. 肖像,画像 adj. (文件页面)竖的
  • unpleasantadj. 使人不愉快的,讨厌的