日期:2009-06-19 12:14
Giving a Purse with Money in It
It is the custom that when a purse or wallet is given as a gift, it has money in it. The giver wants to make sure the purse or wallet will always contain money.
Carrying a Newborn Baby Uptairs
Many people believe a newborn baby must be carried upstairs before being carried downstairs. In this way, the child will be assured of rising in the world and having success.
送人钱包须带钱 送人钱包当礼物时,习俗是在钱包里装些钱。这样可以确保这钱包里永不缺钱。
抱新生婴儿上楼 不少人坚持说,在把新生儿抱下楼之前,必须先抱上楼。这样可以确保孩子长大后地位不断上升,事业有成。