摘要:社会学家Gerald Mollenhorst研究了我们遇到朋友的环境是如何影响我们的社交网络。他其中的结论之一是:每隔7年你要失掉大约一半关系紧密的社交好友。
Had a good chat with someone recently? Has a good friend just helped you to do up your home? Then you will be lucky if that person still does that in seven years time. Sociologist Gerald Mollenhorst investigated how the context in which we meet people influences our social network. One of his conclusions: you lose about half of your close network members every seven years.
Half Of Your Friends Lost In Seven Years, Social Network Study Finds
You are stuck with your family but you can choose your friends. Really? For years sociologists have argued to what extent personal networks are the result of your own preferences or the context in which you can meet someone. Would your best friend have been your best friend if you had not been in the same class for three years? And if you had not got to know your wife via mutual friends but in a dodgy bar then would she still have become and remained your wife?
In order to answer such questions, Mollenhorst conducted a survey under 1007 people aged between 18 and 65 years. Seven years later the respondents were contacted once again and 604 people were reinterviewed. They answered questions such as: Who do you talk with, regarding important personal issues? Who helps you with DIY in your home? Who do you pop by to see? Where did you get to know that person? And where do you meet that person now?
Limited in your choices
Mollenhorst investigated, for example, whether the social context in which contacts are made influences the degree of similarity between partners, friends and acquaintances. It was expected that the influence of social contexts on similarity in relationships would be stronger for weak relationships than for strong ones. After all, you are less fussy about your choice of acquaintances than your choice of partner. In relationships with partners, Mollenhorst indeed found more similarity than in relationships with friends. Yet interestingly, the influence of the social context on similarity did not differ between partners, friends and acquaintances. This reveals how strongly opportunities to meet influence the social composition of personal networks.
With his research Mollenhorst has confirmed that personal networks are not formed solely on the basis of personal choices. These choices are limited by opportunities to meet. Another strong indication for this came from the fact that people often choose friends from a context in which they have previously chosen a friend. Moreover, the extent to which our friends know each other strongly depends on the context in which people meet each other.
Many sociologists assume that our society is becoming increasingly individualistic. For example, it is held that we strictly separate work, clubs and friends. Mollenhorst established, however, that public contexts such as work or the neighbourhood and private contexts frequently overlap each other.
Furthermore, Mollenhorst's research reveals that networks are not shrinking, whereas American research reveals such a decline. Over a period of seven years the average size of personal networks was found to be strikingly stable. However, during the course of seven years we replace many members of our network with other people. Only thirty percent of the discussion partners and practical helpers still held the same position seven years later. Only 48 percent were still part of the network. Therefore value the friends you have. As long as you have them that is.
近和某人进行了一次不错的聊天?刚刚让一个好友帮助装饰你的房子?如果这个人在7年的时间里仍然还这样做的话,那么你是很幸运的。社会学家Gerald Mollenhorst研究了我们遇到朋友的环境是如何影响我们的社交网络。他其中的结论之一是:每隔7年你要失掉大约一半关系紧密的社交好友。
比如Mollenhorst研究了交往发生的社交场所是否会影响伴侣之间、朋友之间以及熟人之间的相似程度。人们曾预计,在伴侣关系中,相比于牢固的伴侣关系,社交环境对相似性的影响对脆弱的伴侣关系的影响更大。毕竟,和选择伴侣相比而言,你在选择认识一些泛泛之交的人的时候就没有那么挑剔了。相比于朋友之间的关系, Mollenhorst确实在伴侣关系中发现了更多的相似性。不过令人感兴趣的,社交环境对相似性的影响在伴侣之间,朋友之间,以及熟人之间并没有区别。这显示了遇到朋友的机会对个人社交网络的组成的影响是如何之强。
1. dodgy adj. 冒险的;危险的
Cycle across America? Sounds a bit dodgy to me.
骑自行车横越美国? 听起来有些冒险.
2. acquaintance n. 相识的人,熟人
We are only casual acquaintances.
3. fussy adj. 瞎忙的,大惊小怪的
The little girl dislikes her fussy parents.
4. solely adv. 惟一地;仅仅;独一无二地
Attribution of her success solely to wealth is not fair.
5. overlap vt. & vi. 部分重叠
His duties and mine overlap.
6. shrink vt. & vi. 收缩;退缩
The number of students of this school has shrunk.
1. Has a good friend just helped you to do up your home?
do up 在本句中的意思是“整修,修缮,修饰”,例如:
Mary was doing up her hat.
do up 还有多种意思,以下就一一列举:
Do up these papers and send them to Head Office.
把这些文件包好, 送到总公司。
You've done your buttons up the wrong way.
Natalie has done herself up for the party.
This formal talk with the manager had done him up.