Part 1
Top 10 Plundered Artifacts
1:中国兽首 Chinese Bronzes
The recent attempt to sell a pair of brass Chinese animal heads took an inventive turn after they were put up for auction as part of the sale of French designer Yves Saint Laurent's art collection. A $40 million bid was received for the two heads (a rabbit and a rat), which French and British troops removed from a clock at China's Old Summer Palace during the second Opium War in 1860. One hitch — the buyer had no intention of paying. Chinese art dealer Cai Mingchao submitted the massive bid to protest the sale of the heads, which many Chinese see as unfairly torn from their cultural patrimony.
Current Status: Saint Laurent's partner said he plans to keep the heads and is "thrilled" the sale failed. And while Christie's may consider charges against Cai, they will likely relent after an outpouring of support from the Chinese public for his actions.
目前状况:Saint Laurent's的合伙人宣称他将会自己保有这两个头像,并且他对拍卖的流产表示很震惊。尽管佳士得(拍卖公司)有可能考虑将蔡铭超送上法庭,但面对中国无数公众对蔡的强大支持,它(佳士得,译者注)也不得不三思而后行。
2:埃及皇后勒菲绨缇的半身像 Nefertiti's Bust
During a 1912 Egyptian excavation, German archaeologist Ludwig Borchardt discovered the bust of Nefertiti, a 14th Century BC Egyptian queen. He claimed to have an agreement with the Egyptian government that included rights to half his finds and — using this as justification — Berlin has proudly displayed the item since 1923. But a new document suggests Borchardt intentionally misled Egyptian authorities about Nefertiti, showing the bust in a poor light and lying about its composition in order to keep his most-prized find. The Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities has repeatedly asked Germany to give the bust back — or at the very least let it return home on a temporary basis.
Current Status: Germany insists their ownership of Nefertiti is without doubt, and Berlin's Egyptian Museum curators maintain that even a brief loan may damage the bust.
3:埃尔金大理石雕 The Elgin Marbles
The Elgin Marbles receive their name from the British lord who craftily spirited them away from Greece. Thomas Bruce, the 7th Earl of Elgin and ambassador to the Ottoman Empire — occupiers of Greece in the early 20th century — grew to admire the Parthenon's extensive collection of ancient marble sculptures and began extracting and expatriating them to Britain in 1901. Lord Elgin claimed his imprimatur from an Ottoman sultan, who said he could remove anything from the Parthenon that did not interfere with the ancient citadel's walls. Despite objections that Lord Elgin had "ruined Athens" by the time his work was done in 1905, the British Government purchased the marbles from him in 1816. They've been housed at the British Museum ever since.
埃尔金大理石雕的名字得自一名的将石雕偷运出雅典的狡猾英国贵族。托马斯 布鲁斯,他是埃尔金第七世勋爵,同时也是驻奥特曼帝国(希腊20世纪初的的宗主国)的大使,因为托马斯开始倾心于帕特农神庙的一幅幅的大规模古代石雕作品,在1801年,他开始将石雕在庙中取下,运回英国。埃尔金勋爵宣称他有奥斯曼帝国苏丹王的特许证明,只要他不破坏古庙的墙体,他可以搬走庙中的任何东西。1816年,尽管有人以埃尔金勋爵“毁了雅典”为由极力反对,英国政府依然于购得石雕。从此之后,它就一直被存放于大英博物馆。
Current Status: Greece considers Lord Elgin's agreement with the Ottomans dubious at best. They claim the Sultan was bribed and that, as an occupier, he really had no authority over the Parthenon to begin with. Calls to return the Elgin Marbles to Greece have fallen on deaf ears; the British argue that giving the marbles back would do everything from irreparably destroying them to creating more demand for the return of ancient art, draining the collections of European museums.
4:霍屯都的维纳斯 The Hottentot Venus
The Hottentot Venus was not a piece of art at all. Instead, it — rather, she — was a person named Sarah Baartman. An indigenous woman from an area now located in South Africa, Baartman was taken to London in 1810 and paraded through Europe, on display for the public to gawk at her full figure and for scientists to explore the reasons for her voluptuous appearance. The indignities continued past her death at the age of 26 — until 1985, Baartman's sex organs and brain were housed in Paris' Musee de l'Homme, ostensibly for scientific study.
霍屯都的维纳斯并不是一件艺术品。相反的,它,更准确的应该是她,是一个叫做Sarah Baartman的女人。一名来自属于今天南非地区的土著女,1810年,Baartman被带到伦敦,随后被带往欧洲各国展览,让无聊的公众贪婪的看她的胴体,而科学家们则去研究她为何会如此的丰满。这种亵玩并没有与26岁生命一同消失,一直到1985年,baartman的性器官和大脑依然被保存在巴黎的人类博物馆,他们对外声称是为了科学研究。
Current Status: Calls by South Africans for the return of Baartman's remains began in the early 1980s; bowing to pressure, the Musee de l'Homme took the body off display. In 1992, Nelson Mandela, then the president of South Africa, issued a formal request for the Baartman's return, but it took a decade more of hand wringing for the French to repatriate her remains. She was buried in South Africa on August 9, 2002.
目前状况:从上世纪80初年代开始,南非人就要求将baartman的遗体归还南非;迫于压力,人类博物馆将遗体撤出展览。1992年,尼尔森 曼德拉,当时的南非总统,发出了要求归还遗体的正式要求,但还是的过了漫长的十多年后,法国才归还了遗体。2002年 8月9日,她终于在故土南非被安葬。
5:拉美西斯木乃伊 Ramses Mummy
With a history equally rich in antiquities and the looting of said antiquities, Egypt is exhaustive in its attempts to recover stolen artifacts. Few items are more prized than the mummified remains of its ancient pharaohs, and Egypt has tried for years to recoup what is likely the 3000-year-old body of Pharaoh Ramses I from U.S. museums. It is suspected that grave robbers sold the body to a Canadian museum sometime in the 1860s.
Current Status: In 1999, Atlanta's Michael Carlos Museum received the mummy and used carbon dating and CT scans to place the mummy to the era of Ramses I. Upon confirmation, they offered to return the body to Egypt, where it is now housed at the Luxor Museum.
Part 2
6:欧弗洛尼奥斯陶瓶 Euphronios Krater
Even with the best of intentions, it may be difficult for museums to completely avoid the acquisition of ill-gotten artifacts. Consider the case of the Euphronios krater. The Metropolitan Museum of Art acquired the 2500-year-old krater — an ornate bowl used to combine water with wine — for $1 million in 1972, thrilled to find one of the few known examples of the ancient painter Euphronios. It had been purchased, however, from Robert Hecht, now on trial in Italy on charges of conspiring to deal in looted antiquities. And while any cloud of suspicion over the krater's provenance was unbeknownst to Met curators in 1972, the museum faced calls from Italy to return the artifact, originally discovered outside Rome.
即使是十分刻意的去避免,博物馆仍然难以避免不了得到一些来路不正的文物,比如欧弗洛尼奥斯陶瓶。这个有2500年历史,装饰华丽,用来混合水与酒的陶瓶,被大都会艺术博物馆于1972年以100美元的价格得到。博物馆为能得到陶瓶感到非常的兴奋,因为古代陶艺画家欧弗洛尼奥斯的作品并不多见。但是,它是买自罗伯特 赫克特,而此公现在正被意大利政府以秘密倒卖劫掠文物罪被通缉。所以正当大都会博物馆馆长为陶瓶究竟来自哪里而感到疑惑时,博物馆收到了来自意大利的电话,原来陶瓶是最先在罗马城外发现的,并且意大利方面要求将陶瓶退还。
Current Status: After several years of negotiation, the Met returned the krater to Italy in 2008 in exchange for the rights to display several comparable artifacts on loan.
目前状况: 经过多年的磋商,大都会博物馆在2008年把陶瓶归还给了意大利,作为交换,博物馆获得了借走几件相同价值文物的用来展览的权利。
7:普里阿摩斯的宝藏 Priam's Treasure
Germany's plunder during World War II was legendary, but with Priam's Treasure they were the victims.
Not that we should feel sorry.
German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann discovered the artifacts — mostly gold, copper shields and weapons — in Anatolia 1837 and named them for Priam, king of Troy. Schliemann illegally smuggled the loot to Berlin, convinced he had found evidence of the Iliad's famed ancient city. But in a bit of karmic payback, Soviet soldiers stole the treasure from Berlin during the waning days of World War II, keeping their bounty a secret for decades until the artifacts turned up on display in Moscow in 1993.
1837年,小亚细亚地区,德国的考古学家海因里希 谢里曼发现了这些古器物(主要是金,铜的盾和武器),并用普里阿摩斯(特洛伊的国王)为其命名。谢里曼将其非法走私到了德国,他坚信自己找到了《伊里亚特》中著名古城特洛伊存在的证据。但可能是因果报应吧,苏联战士在二战德国被打败后,又将宝藏在柏林偷运走了。他们一直保守着这个秘密,直到几十年以后的1993年,这些古器物才出现在莫斯科的展台上。
Current Status: Russia is technically bound by a 1990 treaty that provides for the return of all pilfered art and artifacts back to Germany. But Russian museums are now stonewalling, saying they plan to keep the treasure as reparation for Germany's destruction of Soviet cities during the war.
8:光之山巨钻 Koh-i-Noor Diamond
There are many claims to the Koh-i-Noor diamond.
The jewel may have passed through hands and nations for as many as 5000 years — some think ancient Mesopotamian texts make reference to the Koh-i-Noor as early as 3200 B.C. It may have once been a monstrous 793 carets, before a jeweler's maladroitness and a few subsequent refinements chopped it to the mere 109-caret chunk it is today. The Moguls possessed it in the 16th Century, only to lose it to the Iranians, who then lost it to the Afghans. It later went to the Sikhs and ended up with the British. And while the stone carried with it a warning that it would bring harm to its owner, Queen Victoria paid it no heed. It circulated through the British crown jewels until finding a home in the coronation crown of Elizabeth, Britain's most recent Queen Mother.
Current Status: Many lay claim to the Koh-i-Noor, including the Taliban, who trace its origin in India through Afghanistan in ancient days. Indian Sikhs have asked for the diamond back too, as they were the most recent holders before the British. For their part, the British are deaf to these claims, arguing since the diamond has passed through so many hands for so long, they have just as much right to the stone as anyone.
9:杰罗尼莫(古代印第安部落阿帕奇首领)的头骨 Geronimo's Skull
Are the members of one of the world's most prestigious and legendary secret societies grave robbers? Descendants of Geronimo want answers to the persistent rumors that members of Yale's Skull and Bones Society unearthed the remains of the Apache warrior to bring back to their New Haven campus.
Current Status: Descendant Harlyn Geronimo filed a lawsuit in February against Yale, the Order of Skull and Bones and members of the U.S. government, calling for the return of any of Geronimo's remains. A Yale spokesman had no comment, but some experts believe Bonesman raided the wrong grave anyway. No matter — the Bonesmen are also rumored to possess two more famed skulls, those of Pancho Villa and President Martin Van Buren.
目前状况:harlyn 杰罗尼莫已经对耶鲁大学,骷髅会(也是宗教组织)和美国政府的一些官员提起诉讼。他要求起码要归还遗骨的一部分。耶鲁的一名发言人对此不予评论,但是很多专家认为盗骨者们当时很可能偷袭错了墓地。但这没关系,因为盗骨者们还被传言用有另外两个大名鼎鼎人物的头骨,即潘乔·比亚(墨西哥游击队领导人,译者注)和马丁·范布伦(美国总统,译者注)。
10:伊拉克国家博物馆 Iraqi National Museum
In search of a future flash point for conflicts over plundered artifacts? Search no further than Iraq's National Museum. In the days after the fall of Saddam Hussein, more than 15,000 artifacts were taken from the museum's collection, including many ancient examples of Mesopotamian jewelry and ceramics.
想知道将会有哪些导火索会引起新的被盗文物争端吗?去伊拉克国家博物馆看看就是了。萨达姆 侯赛因倒台后,有15000多件馆藏被盗,其中包括很多古代美索不达米亚的珠宝和陶制品。
Current Status: The museum reopened in late February, but Iraqi officials were only able to secure just 6,000 of the missing items, which are now housed in their own special wing in the museum. Arrests — and recoveries — continue as authorities try to prevent Iraq's prized cultural treasures from being traded on the open market.