A school has brought in a masseuse to calm stressed pupils preparing for GCSEs (General Certificate of Secondary Education) and boost their performance in the exams.
The 30-minute sessions are being offered to 15 and 16-yearolds who are considered at risk of missing out on good grades.
Twenty-five have had regular back massages from professional therapist Karen Etchells since the scheme was introduced three months ago at Priory Community School in Westonsuper-Mare, Somerset.
The first massage is free, but pupils must pay £5 a time after that for the sessions
which take place once a week on a Friday.
Headmaster Neville Coles said they had proved particularly popular among the boys--especially the rugby team.
He hopes the initiative will give GCSE results a lift.
"This is a high-pressure time for Year 11 students," Mr Coles said. "They work extremely hard and do get stressed. We have basically employed a masseuse to come in for a day. It is a mechanism to de-stress the kids and improve their exam results. "
"At a time when we are constantly encouraging our Year 11 students to be at their very best and revise for their GCSEs we also want to provide relaxation activities. Massage is just one of these."
Mr Coles said 32 per cent of pupils scored five GCSEs at grades A to C in the year before last . This had risen to 55 per cent last year and the school was aiming for 60 per cent this year.
三个月以来,英国萨莫塞特郡韦斯顿市的一所名叫Priory Community school的中学请来了专业理疗师凯伦• 伊契尔斯为25名学生提供定期的背部按摩。
这所中学的校长内维尔• 科尔斯表示,学校的这一举措受到了学生们的普遍青睐,学校橄榄球队的小伙子们尤其喜欢。