Two diaries written by Anna Nicole Smith have sold on online auction site eBay for more than $500,000 (255,00 pounds) to a German man planning to use them as the basis of a book, according to the memorabilia(1) house that sold them.
Jeff Woolf, co-partner and auction director at Universal Rarities in Corona, California, said the diaries, from 1992 and 1994, were found a few years ago by a man cleaning out(2) a house in Los Angeles where Smith stayed during a filming project.
He sold the diaries to a memorabilia collector who runs a shop on Hollywood Boulevard who came forward with the diaries after the mystery death of the former Playmate in a Florida hotel on February 8 at the age of 39.
In the 1992 diary, which has the words "I follow my own star" on the cover, Woolf said Smith confesses: "I hate for men to want sex all the time. I hate sex." This diary sold for about $285,000.
In the second diary Smith writes about the illness of her billionaire husband Howard Marshall, who died in 1995 at the age of 90, with a religious awakening with lots of references to Jesus. This sold for about $230,000.
Woolf said the demand for Smith memorabilia had been overwhelming(3) following her death so the price realised for these diaries was not that surprising.
"I don't think I've had the luck of being in such a situation, where the timing was really that perfect as far as the peak of someone's popularity in the news," he told Reuters.
"The gentleman who bought them required to be anonymous but I can tell you he is from Germany and has the intention of making a book out of them and doing some things in the publishing world."
The long-awaited results of an autopsy(4) on Smith will be made public on Monday by a Florida medical examiner.
Her death triggered a bitter and highly publicised legal feud(5) over her remains and the custody(6) of her 6-month-old daughter, Dannielynn, who might one day inherit(7) millions.
Smith was buried in the Bahamas on March 2.
Her longtime companion and lawyer, Howard K. Stern, is listed as the father on her daughter's birth certificate but several other men, including Los Angeles photographer Larry Birkhead, also claim to be the father and the paternity(8) issue is still being fought in the courts.
两本Anna Nicole Smith日记在易趣上以50万美元的高价拍卖给一名德国人。出售日记的纪念馆透露这名德国男子计划用它作为写书的参考材料。
加州科罗纳Universal Rarities合伙人、拍卖理事Jeff Woolf称这两本日记写于1992年到1994年间,几年前被人从洛杉矶一所房子中清理出来的。Smith曾因拍摄需要在这里居住过。
在第二本日记中,Smith提到在1995年病逝的老公Howard Marshall。Marshall死时已达90岁高龄,是个亿万富翁。Smith对此写了很多宗教方面的觉悟并多次提到上帝。这本日记售价23万美元。
孩子出生证明上注明的生身父亲是Smith多年的伴侣和律师Howard K. Stern,但是还有其他几名男士都称自己是孩子的父亲,其中包括洛杉矶摄影师Larry Birkhead。亲子之争仍然在进行中,等待法庭裁决