圣经故事:哈该 Haggai
日期:2008-03-07 15:05




  One of the 12 Minor Prophets of the Old Testament, traditional author of the Book of Haggai. (His prophecy is part of a larger book, The Twelve, in the Jewish canon.) Born during the Babylonian Exile, he returned to Israel when it ended and helped mobilize the Jewish community to rebuild the Temple of Jerusalem. His book consists of four prophecies delivered in 521 BC. He attributes the economic distress of the returned exiles to their delay in reconstructing the Temple and promises that the new house of God will be GREater than the first.

  • communityn. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落
  • canonn. 教规,标准,准则,真经,真作,[音]卡农曲 n.
  • traditionaladj. 传统的
  • prophecyn. 预言,先兆,预言能力 =prophesy
  • delayv. 耽搁,推迟,延误 n. 耽搁,推迟,延期
  • distressn. 痛苦,苦恼,不幸 vt. 使痛苦,使苦恼 a
  • minoradj. 较小的,较少的,次要的 n. 未成年人,辅修科
  • exilen. 放逐,流放,被放逐者 vt. 放逐,流放