日期:2009-07-31 14:52



New Year resolutions 新年的决心

Listen to the tape then answer the question below.
What marked the end of the writer's New Year resolutions?

The New Year is a time for resolutions. Mentally, at least, most of us could compile formidable lists of 'dos' and 'don'ts'. The same old favorites recur year in year out with monotonous regularity. We resolve to get up earlier each morning, eat less, find more time to play with the children, do a thousand and one jobs about the house, be nice to people we don't' like, drive carefully, and take the dog for a walk every day. Past experience has taught us that certain accomplishments are beyond attainment. If we remain inveterate smokers, it is only because we have so often experienced the frustration that results from failure. Most of us fail in our efforts at self-improvement because our schemes are too ambitious and we never have time to carry them out. We also make the fundamental error of announcing our resolutions to everybody so that we look even more foolish when we slip back into our bad old ways. Aware of these pitfalls, this year I attempted to keep my resolutions to myself. I limited myself to two modest ambitions: to do physical exercise every morning and to read more of an evening. An all-night party on New Year's Eve provided me with a good excuse for not carrying out either of these new resolutions on the first day of the year, but on the second, I applied myself assiduously to the task.
The daily exercises lasted only eleven minutes and I proposed to do them early in the morning before anyone had got up. The self-discipline required to drag myself out of bed eleven minutes earlier than usual was considerable. Nevertheless, I managed to creep down into the living room for two days before anyone found me out. After jumping about on the carpet and twisting the human frame into uncomfortable positions, I sat down at the breakfast table in an exhausted condition. It was this that betrayed me. The next morning the whole family trooped in to watch the performance. That was really unsettling, but I fended off the taunts and jibes of the family good-humouredly and soon everybody got used to the idea. However, my enthusiasm waned. The time I spent at exercises gradually diminished. Little by little the eleven minutes fell to zero. By January 10th, I was back to where I had started from. I argued that if I spent less time exhausting myself at exercises in the morning, I would keep my mind fresh for reading when I got home formwork Resisting the hypnotizing effect of television, I sat in my room for a few evenings with my eyes glued to book. One night, however, feeling cold and lonely, I went downstairs and sat in front of the television pretending to read. That proved to be my undoing, for I soon got back to my old bad habit of dozing off in front of the screen. I still haven't given up my resolution to do more reading. In fact, I have just bought a book entitled How to Read a Thousand Words a Minute. Perhaps it will solve my problem, but I just haven't had time to read it!





1.resolution n.决心

例句:His resolution swayed after the first failure.

2.mentally adv.内心里

例句:The man is always mentally deranged.

3.compile v.编辑,编制

例句:I have been fully occupied in compile this book these days.

4.formidable adj.令人畏惧的

例句:This is a formidable project.

5.recur v.再发生,又出现

例句:The dream recur throughout her life.

6.regularity n.规律性

例句:The pendulum swings with great regularity.

7.accomplishment n.成就

例句:I want to savor this great moment of accomplishment.

8.attainment n.达到

例句:The attainment of her ambitions was still a dream.

9.inveterate adj.根深蒂固的

10.self-improvement n.自我完善

11.scheme n.简单的计划,方案

12.ambitious adj.雄心勃勃的

例句:We felt an animation about the ambitious plan.

13.pitfall n.意外的困难,易犯的错误

例句:The road to the conquest of cancer is long and full of pitfall.

14.modest adj. 要求不过分的

例句:She is modest and amiable to everyone.

15.assiduously adv. 刻苦地

16.self-discipline n.自我约束

17.frame n.躯体

18.betray v.暴露,显露

例句:His countenance betrayed irresolution and reluctance.

19.troop v.成群结队地走动

20.unsettle v.使不安

例句:This strike may unsettle the economy.

21.taunt n.嘲笑,奚落人的话

22.jibe n.嘲弄,挖苦

23.good-humouredly adv. 和气地,心情好地

24.wane v.逐渐变小,变弱

例句:Her feelings for John wax and wane.

25.hypnotize v.使欲睡,使蒙胧

26.undoing n.祸根,毁灭的原因

27.screen n.电视机屏幕


1.The same old favorites recur year in year out with monotonous regularity.


year in year out一年又一年

例句:The old man does morning exercises in the park year in and year out.

2.Past experience has taught us that certain accomplishments are beyond attainment.


beyond attainment做不到

例句:Past experience has taught us that certain accomplishments are beyond attainment.

3.If we remain inveterate smokers, it is only because we have so often experienced the frustration that results from failure.



4. Most of us fail in our efforts at self-improvement because our schemes are too ambitious and we never have time to carry them out.



too表示太、过于的意思时,在句中修饰形容词或副词。too前面不可用fairly, very, quite等副词修饰,但可以用far, rather, much, a bit, a little, a lot等词语修饰,以表达不同的程度。例如:
  You’re standing too near the camera. Can you move a little farther? 你站得离摄像机太近,能否走远一点?
  I don’t go in for rock’n’ roll. It’s much too noisy for my taste. 我不喜欢摇滚音乐。就我对音乐的欣赏而言,它太过于喧闹了。
  The cakes are delicious. He’d like to have a third one because the second one is rather too small. 这些蛋糕味道很好。我还想吃第三块,因为第二块实在太小了。

5.We also make the fundamental error of announcing our resolutions to everybody so that we look even more foolish when we slip back into our bad old ways.


so that也是引导结果状语从句。

6.Aware of these pitfalls, this year I attempted to keep my resolutions to myself.


aware of 知道(察觉到,意识到)

例句:I was not aware of the slight changes.

attempt to试图

例句:The offender attempted to grease the palm of the judge.

7.An all-night party on New Year's Eve provided me with a good excuse for not carrying out either of these new resolutions on the first day of the year, but on the second, I applied myself assiduously to the task.


provide with给...提供

例句:I provided the police with the evidence.

apply to将...应用于

例句:You must apply yourself to your studies.

8.Nevertheless, I managed to creep down into the living room for two days before anyone found me out.


manage to达成, 设法

例句:He managed to subdue his mounting anger.

9.Little by little the eleven minutes fell to zero.


little by little一点一点地,逐渐,慢慢地

例句:The hall began to fill up with people little by little.


引导结果状语从句的从属连词主要的有so that, so…that, such…that等:He studied hard so that he passed the exam. 他学习用功,所以考试通过了。He was so angry that he couldn’t speak. 他气得话都说不出来。He shut the window with such force'Times New Roman'">他关窗子用力很大,结果玻璃震破了。注:so…that和such…that中的that有时(尤其在口语中)可省略:)I am so busy I have no time to write a letter. 我很忙,连写信的时间都没有。
There was such a lot of rain (that) we couldn’t go out. 雨那么大,我们没法出去。

so that

  so that以便,为了,引导一个表示目的的状语从句,此时可与 in order that 换用;从句谓语中常用情态动词 may/might, can/could, should, would 等;主从句间连接紧凑,没有逗号相隔。例:

  My old father began to study computer at the age of sixty so that(= in order that) he might keep up with times. 父亲六十岁时才开始学习电脑,以便跟上时代。

  I spend more time learning English every day so that(= in order that) I can make greater progress this year. 为了今年取得更大进步,我每天用了更多的时间学英语。


  so that因此,所以,引导一个表示结果的状语从句,此时不能与 in order that 换用;从句中谓语根据需要使用相应的时态,主从句间可有逗号相隔。本文开头所列举例句中的 so that 就是这种用法。又如:

  She had not planned her time well,so that she did not finish her homework on time.

  Wang Lang did not work hard enough, so that she is out of work when she is still young.


  1) 根据句子结构辨别

  从句谓语中含有情态动词 may/ might,can/ could, should, would 等,这时 so that 引导的是一个目的状语从句;从句前面有逗号和主句相隔,此时 so that 引导的是一个结果状语从句。试对比以下两个例句:

  Yesterday morning Yang Cheng got up early so that she could catch the first bus.

  Yesterday morning Yang Cheng got up early, so that she caught the first bus.

  2) 根据主从句逻辑关系辨别

  so that 引导目的状语从句,一般表示尚未完成的目的或意图,主句和从句之间是结果与目的关系;而 so that 引导的结果状语从句则是表示主句所导致的结果,主句和从句之间是原因与结果的关系。试比较:

  I tell my students my new telephone number so that they may call me when necessary.

  I told my students my new telephone number so that all of them called me when necessary.


1.Mentally, at least, mostof us could compile formidable lists of ‘do’s’ and ‘don’ts’.

2.The same old favorites recur year in year out with monotonousregularity.

3.Past experience has taught us that certain accomplishments are beyond attainment.

4.If we remain inveterate smokers, it is only because we have so often experienced the frustration that results from failure.
So that :这里的that 并不是so…that的词组 that是作为frustration的定语从句的先行词出现的。

5.We also make the fundamental error ofannouncing our resolutions to every body so that we look even more foolish whenwe slip back into our bad old ways.

6.…I applied myself assiduously to thedesk.

7.It was this that betrayed me.

8.However, my enthusiasm waned.



  • unsettlingadj. 使人不安的;(消息)扰乱的 v. 动乱不定;心
  • performancen. 表演,表现; 履行,实行 n. 性能,本事
  • greasen. 兽脂,油脂 vt. 用油脂涂,上油,促进
  • fundamentaladj. 基本的,根本的,重要的 n. 基本原理,基础
  • compilevt. 编译,编纂
  • certainadj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 pron. 某几个,某
  • uncomfortableadj. 不舒服的,不自在的
  • pendulumn. 摆,钟摆,摇摆不定的事态(或局面)
  • havenn. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,
  • reluctancen. 不愿,勉强,厌恶