新概念英语85年上外美音版第四册 第7课:The sporting spirit
日期:2010-12-07 08:23



Lesson 7 The sporting spirit 运动精神

I am always amazed when I hear people saying that sport creates goodwill between the nations, and that if only the common peoples of the world could meet one another at football or cricket, they would have no inclination to meet on the battlefield. Even if one didn't know from concrete examples (the 1936 Olympic Games, for instance) that international sporting contests lead to orgies of hatred, one could deduce it from general principles.

Nearly all the sports practised nowadays are competitive. You play to win, and the game has little meaning unless you do your utmost to win. On the village green, where you pick up sides and no feeling of local patriotism is involved, it is possible to play simply for the fun and exercise: but as soon as the question of prestige arises, as soon as you feel that you and some larger unit will be disgraced if you lose, the most savage combative instincts are aroused. Anyone who has played even in a school football match knows this. At the international level sport is frankly mimic warfare. But the significant thing is not the behaviour of the players but the attitude of the spectators: and, behind the spectators, of the nations. who work themselves into furies over these absurd contests, and seriouslybelieve--at any rate for short periods--that running, jumping and kicking a ball are tests of national virtue.


New words and expressions 生词短语

goodwill n. 友好 prestige n. 声誉
cricket n.板球 disgrace vt. 使丢脸
inclination n.意愿 savage n.野性的
contest n. 比赛 combative a.好斗的
orgy n. 恣意,放荡 frankly ad.坦率地
deduce vt.推断 mimic a.与….极相似
competitive a. 竞争性的 behaveiour 行动
pick up 随意挑选 spectatotor n.观众
side n. 队 word….into…..引起……注意
patriotism n. 地方观念 爱国主义 fury n.狂热
involve vt. 卷入 absurd a.荒唐的

goodwill=friendship n.友好
goodwill games:友好运动会
goodwill visit:友好访问
pay a goodwill visit to
official visit:官方正式访问
state visit:国事访问
cricket n.板球 as merry as a cricket(蟋蟀) 形容心情高兴,快乐无比
inclination n. 意愿
incline v.
be inclined to do sth 表示强烈的意愿
I am inclined to take toefl.
show inclination to follow one's inclination 随心所欲
contest n. 比赛
近义词:competition game match tournament race
contest:a group of judges
beauty contest 选美比赛
competition:socially 抽象使用
Social competition is fierce.
Dog eat dog.人吃人。形容竞争激烈。
game:physically ,mentally
match:quite important
China won the 2002 World Cup match.
cycle racing 自行车比赛
car racing 赛车
orgy n.恣意,放荡
revelry in 狂欢
I revelry in my success.
on a spree
The girl is on a shoping spree.
combative-贬义词 同 aggressive
compete with sb. for sth.
pick up 随意挑选
side 队
patriotism n.地方观众,爱国主义
patriot:爱国者 patriotic:爱国的
involve vt.卷入
involve oneself in scandal be involved in
prestige n.声誉
prestigious a.享有声誉的Qinghua university is very prestigious.
近义词:fame renown(renowned 著名的) reputation eminence
disgrace vt.使丢脸
disgraceful 丢脸 Your essay is very guaceful.
fame-defame honor-dishonor
stigmaa(污点) vt.stigmatize Robbery stigmatizes him.
savage n.野性的
inhuman 残忍无比 nonhuman (非人类的)
mercy-merciless ruth-ruthless
combative a.好斗的
frankly ad.坦率地
Frankly speaking(To be frank) 坦白的说 candid 坦白的 straightly 直率的
mimic a.与……相似
similar-可作定语和表语 Our ideas are similar. We have similar ideas.
Great minds think alike.英雄所见略同。
behaviour 行动 举止
Behave oneself.规矩点儿。
attitude n.态度
spectator n.观众
audience 听众 audial 听
spectacle: 壮丽景色;眼镜
viewer 电视观众
work…into… 引起…注意…
fury n.狂热
furious a.-强于anger,annoyance,aggravation
rage---suddenly & quickly
absurd a.荒唐的
近义词 illogical irrational senseless ridiculous
at any rate 无论,至少=at least


amazed: surprised,astound,astonished
The news surprised me.
I was surprised by the news.
I am astonished to hear the news.
You should not say”The news astonished me”.


if only:
1. 表虚拟,2. 当“真好”讲,后面无任何主从句。
If only I had a pair of wings.我要有双翅膀就好了。
If only I could fly to the moon.
3. 作为条件句=as long as,4. 后面须有主句。


the background of the 1936 Olympic Games :二战时在德国柏林举行,希特勒举办的目的为了宣传他的national supremacy(民主优越性)。

然而,事与愿违,本届奥运会出现了一位独领风骚的田径大王-美国黑人运动员,杰西•欧文斯,他共获得4枚金牌,让希特勒disgrace(颜面尽失),后人评论“the 1936 Olympin Games is a mistake”,而且称为political tragedy,影射希特勒的种族歧视,导致极端的仇恨,引发二战。

neagly all 基本肯定
green: 绿地
frankly: 真正的
mimic warfare:模拟战争
battle field-fight to win,commander,do your utmost,blood,lose life,machine guns
sport field-play to win,coach,do your best,sweat,lose life,hand leg foot
fury over 对…愤怒

  • coachn. 大巴,教练;(火车)客车车厢,四轮马车,经济舱 v
  • prestigen. 威望,声望
  • concreteadj. 具体的,实质性的,混凝土的 n. 水泥,混凝土
  • savageadj. 野性的,凶猛的,粗鲁的,荒野的 n. 野蛮人,
  • patriotismn. 爱国主义,爱国心
  • stigmatizevt. 污蔑,使蒙上污名 vt. 打上烙印
  • supremacyn. 至高,主权,最高权力或地位
  • patrioticadj. 爱国的
  • absurdadj. 荒唐的 n. 荒唐
  • contestn. 竞赛,比赛 vt. 竞赛,争取 vi. 奋斗