新概念英语85年上外美音版第四册 第20课:Man,the Unknown
日期:2010-12-17 08:57



Lesson 20 Man,the Unknown 人类—神秘的巨人

In the organization of industrial life the influence of the factory upon the physiological and mental state of the workers has been completely neglected. Modern industry is based on the conception of the maximum production at lowest cost, in order that an individual or a group of individuals may earn as much money as possible. It has expanded without any idea of the true nature of the human beings who run the machines, and without giving any consideration to the effects produced on the individuals and on their descendants by the artificial mode of existence imposed by the factory. The great cities have been built with no regard for us. The shape and dimensions of the skyscrapers depend entirely on the necessity of obtaining the maximum income per square foot of ground, and of offering to the tenants offices and apartments that please them. This caused the construc tion of gigantic buildings where too large masses of human beings are crowded together. Civilized men like such a way of living. While they enjoy the comfort and banal luxury of their dwelling,they do not realize that they are deprived of the necessities of life. The modern city consists of monstrous edifices and of dark, narrow streets full of petrol fumes,coal dust, and toxic gases, torn by the noise of the taxi-cabs, lorries and buses, and thronged ceaselessly by great crowds. Obviously, it has no been planned for the good of its inhabitants.


physiological a. 生理的 mental a. 精神的
neglect vt. 忽视 expand vi. 扩张
consideration n. 考虑 effect n. 影响
descendent n. 子孙,后代 mode n. 方式
existence n. 生存 impose vt. 强加
with no regard for 不关心 deprive vt. 剥夺
skyscraper n. 摩天大楼 tenant n. 租户
gigantic a. 巨大的 civilize vi. 使文明
luxury n. 豪华 dwelling n. 住所
monstrous a. 畸形的 edifice n. 大厦
petrol fumes 汽油味 monstrous a. 畸形的
edifice n. 大厦 petrol fumes 汽油味
ceaselessly ad. 不停地

1.physiological a. 生理的
physics/physical+ biology/biological
motel 汽车旅馆 motor+ hotel
smog 烟雾 smoke+ fog
biochemisty 生化 biology+ chemistr
anthrax 炭疽热
2.mental a. 精神的
mental work 脑力劳动
mental worker 脑力劳动者
physical/manual work 体力劳动
mental ground 思想境界
mental outlook 精神面貌
mental/natural age 心理/真实年龄
mental patient 精神病人
mental hospital 精神病院
mentality n. 智力
3.neglect vt. 忽视
[辨异]neglect, ignore
She is neglected at the party. 宴会上人们都没有注意到她。(客观)
She is ignored at the party. 宴会上人们都不理她。(主观,人们明明看见她了可是都故意不理她。)
4.expand vi. 扩张
expansion n. 扩充,开展,膨胀,扩张物,辽阔,浩瀚
consideration n. 考虑
take all into consideration 把一切都考虑在内
My father/dad doesn’t give the consideration to me.
5.effect n. 影响
[辨异]effect, influence, impact
effect (直观的,可以目睹的)影响
influence (潜移默化的,看不见的)影响
impact (突然的,瞬时的)影响
6.descendent n. 子孙,后代
descend v. 下去
ascend v. 上升
ancestor n. 祖先,祖宗
I’m a Chinese descendent.
offspring n. 儿女,子孙,后代 没有复数
posterity n. 子孙,后裔 没有复数
successor n. 继承人,继任者
7.mode n. 方式
mode of existence 生存方式
live a mouth-to-hand existence 生活过得不富裕
make ends meet 勉强维持生活
8.impose vt. 强加
impose on (注意介词是on)
wield(挥舞) on
My dad is imposing. 我爸爸威严无比。
9.with no regard for 不关心
The boss ran his business with no regard for the welfare of the workers.
10.skyscraper n. 摩天大楼
towering building 高耸入云的,象塔一样
highrise 高层的,高层建筑的
The is no scarcity of skyscraper in New York.
11.gigantic a. 巨大的
giant adj. 巨大的,庞大的
Yaoming is a gaint.
giant panda 大熊猫
huge adj. (体积)庞大
vast adj. (面积)巨大
volume n. 体积
12.civilize vi. 使文明
civilization n. 文明
civil adj. 全民的,市民的
savage adj. 野蛮的,野性的
13.luxury n. 豪华
luxuriant adj. 丰产的,丰富的,肥沃的,奢华的
The lady bought so many luxuries.
14.dwelling n. 住所 抽象概念 only used in formal
city dweller 城市人
residence n. 居住,住宅 比较正式
resident adj. 居住的; n. 居民
inhabit v. 居住,栖息
We inhabit the earth. 我们居住在地球。
注意inhabit 后面没有介词。
15.deprive vt. 剥夺
deprive sb of sth 剥夺某人的……
I’m deprived. 我一无所有。
deprived class 贫民阶层
proletariat 无产阶级
bourgeois 资产阶级
possess 拥有
dispossess 抢夺
invest 投资
devest 剥夺
16.monstrous a. 畸形的
monster n. 魔鬼,怪物
He is a monster. 他奇丑无比。
gorilla n. 大猩猩
17.edifice n. 大厦
The whole edifice of his hope collapsed.
mansion n. 大厦
a dream of red mansions 红楼梦
west chamber 西厢记
18.petrol fumes 汽油味
petrol 汽油[英]
gasoline 汽油[美]
petroleum 石油
19.ceaselessly ad. 不停地
cease 的用法与stop 一样
cease doing
cease to do
cease fire 停火


1. The article is about: 工业带来的巨大影响
In the organization of industrial life……在工业生活的组织方面
the influence of the factory ……has been completely neglected 工厂对工人的……影响完全被忽视。
upon 常用于书面语
on 常用于口语
the physiological and mental state of the workers 工人的身心状态
in the organization of social life→in social life→society
in family life→family life→in a family
academic 学术的
in academic life→at school
2.Modern industry is based on the conception of 现代工业是建筑在以……的概念的基础上
concept: very basic, very concrete idea
conception= notion 理念
the maximum production 最大的规模生产
at lowest cost 最低的成本
in order that……表目的,以使得
individual 这里指manager, owner, CEO
3.It has expanded it指industry
without any idea= without giving any consideration 没有考虑
the true nature of the human beings 人的本性
the effects produced on …… the factory
produced 作后置定语
without giving any consideration to the effects produced on the individuals and on their descendants 这是个歧义句
artificial intelligence 人工智能
4. have been built with 修建起来,完善起来
5.shape 形状
entirely= completely
income 收入
per square foot of ground 每一平方公尺,名词短语做状语,省略by
necessity of 需求
offer sb sth/ offer sth to sb 向某人提供东西
6.this caused ……引发
masses 百姓
7.civilized man 文明人
8.enjoy 欣赏,享用
banal 平庸,庸俗
the necessities of life: 生活的自然,相互交际
9.moden city 现代都市
consist of 组成
monstrous edifices 奇形怪状的高楼大厦
dark, marrow streets 狭窄黑暗的街道
full of petrol fumes 充满了汽油味
coal dust 煤灰
[辨异]toxic, poisonous
toxic adj. 有毒的(含毒)
Smoking is toxic.
poisonous adj. 有毒的(全部含毒)
torn by the noise of the taxi-cabs, lorries and buses 夹杂着出租汽车、大卡车和公共汽车的喧闹声
torn tear的过去分词
I was torn by the choice of going aboard or staying home.
taxi 来自法语,“费”的意思
cab: carriage
throng 拥挤
10.it 指城市
for the good of= for one’s benefits= for one’s behalf= for one’s interests= in the interest of sb 为……着想

  • manualadj. 手工的,体力的 n. 手册,指南,键盘
  • mansionn. 大厦,豪宅,楼宇
  • tearn. 眼泪,(撕破的)洞或裂缝,撕扯 vt. 撕掉,扯下
  • scarcityn. 缺乏,不足,缺少
  • mentaladj. 精神的,脑力的,精神错乱的 n. 精神病患者
  • possessvt. 持有,支配
  • conceptionn. 概念,观念,构想,怀孕
  • unknownadj. 未知的,不出名的
  • necessityn. 需要,必需品,必然
  • moden. 方式,样式,模式,风格,时兴 n. [音乐]