As this year's Labor Day holiday, which runs from May 1 to 5, is approaching and many Chinese are making travel plans, a public health expert said it is necessary to take precautions when traveling to areas where new novel coronavirus infections were detected recently. The elderly, people with chronic diseases and pregnant women also are discouraged from taking trips.
Labor Day holiday是劳动节假期;take trips是旅行。
23日,中国疾控中心研究员冯录召表示,目前国内疫情已经基本得到控制(domestic outbreak has been basically stemmed),大部分近期没有病例报告的地区(no new cases have been reported),旅行还是比较安全的。
他同时指出,但目前每日仍有新增境外输入病例(new imported cases)或者本土病例(locally transmitted infections)的地区,要保持警惕(remain vigilant),要意识到感染新冠病毒的风险(the risk of contracting novel coronavirus)。
国家卫健委官方数据(official data)显示,过去几周,黑龙江省、广东省、陕西省以及北京和上海均报告了新病例(new infections)。
冯录召表示,如果出行,要提前做好准备。建议就近错峰出游,尽量避开热门景点(popular scenic spots)或者景点高峰时段(peak visiting hours),避免在密闭空间内开展一些娱乐项目(refrain from taking part in entertainment events in enclosed spaces)。
如果准备跨地区出游,应选择近期没有病例报告的地区,并提前(in advance)联系景区,了解当地防控政策(local disease control policies),按要求做好准备(make preparations accordingly),同时准备口罩和手消毒剂(hand sanitizers)以备路上使用。
冯录召建议,如果乘坐飞机或者火车等公共交通工具(take flights, trains and other public transportation),要遵守秩序和乘务人员的管理要求,全程佩戴口罩(wear facial masks),做好手卫生(hand hygiene),并妥善保存票据以备查询。乘坐交通工具时尽量减少饮食次数(eating and drinking on board should be reduced)。
冯录召说,游玩过程中,要有序排队,注意保持人际距离(keep physical distance between each other)和咳嗽礼仪。在住宿方面,应选择卫生条件良好的宾馆,入住(check into a hotel)后要开窗通风(open windows for better ventilation)。