Louis Cha Leung-yung, one of the most influential Chinese novelists, and better known under the pen name Jin Yong, died on Tuesday afternoon in Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital surrounded by family members, according to sources close to him. He was 94.
one of the most influential Chinese novelists是中国最具影响力的小说家之一。
金庸以武侠小说(martial arts novels)闻名于世,其小说全球发行量已经超过了3亿册,翻拍(adapt)或者跟他作品有关的电影电视和广播剧(radio series)粗略统计也已经超过100多部。
1955年,查良镛以笔名(pen name)发表第一本武侠小说《书剑恩仇录》(The Book and the Sword)。金庸共创作了15部武侠小说,最后一部是1972年出版的《鹿鼎记》(The Deer and the Cauldron)。
除了武侠小说的成就外,查良镛还是知名报人、社会活动家(social activist)。他于1959年创办(found)《明报》,并担任主编(editor-in-chief)。
在香港回归(Hong Kong's return to China)之前,金庸曾是基本法起草委员会(Basic Law Drafting Committee)成员。
香港各界纷纷对文学巨匠(literary giant)金庸的逝世表达缅怀之情。
香港特区行政长官(Hong Kong's Chief Executive)林郑月娥代表特区政府向其家人致以深切慰问(deep condolences)。林郑月娥说,查良镛教授对传承中华文化(Chinese culture)有莫大贡献(contribution)。
香港科幻小说家(science fiction novelist)倪匡以“金庸小说,天下第一,古今中外,无出其右”(the best in the world and of all time)总结金庸的成就。
香港电影编剧家协会(Hong Kong Screenwriters' Guild)会长庄澄说,金庸是“中国的莎士比亚”(China's Shakespeare),也是中国编剧界的“泰斗”("grandmaster" of Chinese screenwriters)。
不少扮演过金庸笔下角色的演员(actors and actresses known for playing leading roles in TV series adapted from Cha's novels)也公开发声悼念。