2018年英语专业四级听力真题 听写
日期:2018-08-16 10:27
Emotional Reaction to Music
No matter who you are, where you live, or what your cultural background is, people get some pleasure from listening to their favorite music. However, some people are simply not capable of enjoying music. This is not because they can't experience pleasure at all. They don't have trouble hearing music properly, either. Instead, they're just indifferent to music. Researchers have conducted studies to find out why some people have no emotional reaction to music. However, despite their efforts, the mystery remains.
无论是何身份,住处,或者文化背景,人们听到喜欢的音乐都会心情舒畅 。然而,有些人就是没办法欣赏音乐 。这并不是因为他们完全不能体会快乐,也不是因为不能听音乐 。而是他们对音乐不敏感 。研究者们做了很多研究,想要探究为什么有些人对音乐不能产生情感上的反应 。然而,无论他们做多少工作,还是解不开谜团 。
