新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List29:Unit4
日期:2016-05-14 09:31


retentive .

【考法1】adj. 记性好的:having the ability or capacityto retain knowledge or information with ease

【例】Herretentive memory helped her sail through the history test. 她的好记性帮助她顺利通过了历史考试。

【反】absentminded, forgetful, oblivious 健忘的

【派】retentiveness n. 好记性

secede .

【考法1】vi. 脱离,退出(组织、团体、联盟等):to withdraw from an organization (as a religious communion

or political party or federation)

【例】Theythreatened to secede from the coalition. 他们以退出联盟相要挟。

【近】demit,disaffiliate, quit, withdraw

【反】enlist,enroll, join, sign up 加入

glacial .

【考法1】adj. 极冷的:extremely cold

【例】The airfrom the sea felt glacial. 海上的空气冷极了。

【近】algid,arctic, bitter, chilling, coldish, cool, freezing, frigid, frosty, gelid, icy,nippy, numbing, polar, snappy

【反】ardent,blazing, burning, fervent, fervid, molten, roasting, scalding, scorching,searing, sultry, sweltering,

torrid 炎热的

【考法2】adj. 冷漠的,无感情的:devoid of warmth andcordiality

【例】TheDuchess gave him a glacial look and moved on. 公爵夫人冷冷地看了他一眼,然后就继续上路了。

【近】antiseptic, apathetic, brittle, chilly, cold-blooded, frozen, indifferent,unfriendly, unsympathetic, wintry

【反】cordial, friendly,genial, hearty, sympathetic, warm, warm-blooded, warmhearted 友善的,热心的

glide .

【考法1】vt. 轻松地行动,轻松地通过:to move or proceedsmoothly, continuously, and effortlessly

【例】swansgliding over the lake 在湖面悠然划水的天鹅‖looking for a college course that he could just glide through 正在寻找一门很容易就能通过的课程

【近】bowl,breeze, brush, coast, cruise, drift, roll, sail, skim, slide, slip, stream,sweep, whisk

【反】flounder,struggle 挣扎

monopolize .

【考法1】vt. 垄断,主宰:to have complete control over

【例】They arevirtually monopolizing the market. 他们实际上已经垄断了整个市场。‖To their surprise is was the vice president who monopolized theconversation. 令他们惊讶的是,主导整个谈话的居然是副总裁。

【近】control,dominate, govern, reign, rule, sew up

【派】monopolyn. 垄断,垄断权

pedagogical .

【考法1】adj. 教学的,教师的:of, relating to, orbefitting a teacher or education

【例】I have nobrow of such a pedagogical tone. 我一点也不喜欢这种说教的口吻。


【反】pupilary 学生的

perilous .

【考法1】adj. 危险的:involving potential loss orinjury

【例】perilousjourney through hostile territory 穿过敌方领土的危险行程

【近】dangerous,grave, grievous, hazardous, jeopardizing, menacing, risky, serious,threatening, venturesome

【反】harmless,innocent, innocuous, safe, unthreatening 安全的,无害的

pointer .

【考法1】n. (仪表上的)指针:a scale indicator on a watch, balance, or other measuringinstrument

【例】Thepointer on my bathroom scale must be stuck - I know I lost weight. 浴室磅秤里的指针肯定坏了——我知道我体重有下降的。

【近】hand,index, indicator, needle

【考法2】n. 忠告,建议:a useful suggestion or hintusually from an expert

【例】Here are afew pointers to help you make a choice. 这里有一些能帮助你抉择的建议。

【近】advice,hint, lead, recommendation, tip

affliction .

【考法1】n. 痛苦,悲伤,折磨:a state of great suffering of body or mind

【例】Shelistened with deep affliction as her daughter told her about the latest troubleshe was in. 她怀着巨大的痛苦聆听着女儿告诉她目前艰难的处境。

【近】agony,anguish, dolor, excruciation, grief, hurt, misery, pain, rack, torment,torture, travail, tribulation, woe

【反】bliss,cheer, delight, ecstasy, elation, euphoria, exhilaration, exuberance,exultation, felicity, joy, jubilation, pleasure, rapture 喜悦,高兴

dishearten .

【考法1】vt. 使沮丧,使失去信心:to cause to lose spirit or morale

【例】We weregreatly disheartened by the news that our grandmother was seriously ill. 听到祖母病重的消息,我们都很沮丧。

【近】chill,daunt, demoralize, discourage, dismay, dispirit, frustrate, unnerve

【反】embolden,encourage, hearten, nerve, steel 使大胆,鼓励
