新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List7:Unit7
日期:2015-04-05 11:40



【考法1】adj. (谈话内容)杂乱的:moving from topic totopic without order

【例】a long,discursive article 冗 长 杂 乱 的文 章|| The speaker's discursive stylemade it difficult to

understand his point. 演讲者讲话杂乱,很难让人理解他的观点。

【近】desultory,digressional, excursive, meandering, rambling, wandering

【反】keen ontitle, concentrated 关注主题的,集中的


【考法1】v. 轻视,鄙视:to look on with scorn

【例】disdainthat man for snobbishness 鄙视那个势利小人

【近】contemn,disrespect, slight, sniff, snub, look down

【反】honor,respect 尊敬;treatfavorably 亲切地对待


【考法1】vt. 分开:to set free from entanglement or difficulty

【例】Disengagethe gears when you park the car. 当你停车的时候要把(传动)齿轮分开。|| seek to disengage

myself from the embarrassing situation 试图把我自己从尴尬的气氛中解救出来

【近】disengage,disentangle, untangle

【反】embroil,entangle 卷入;mesh 啮合


【考法1】v. 呕吐出:to discharge by the throat and mouth; vomit

【例】He cannotdisgorge a fish bone without the doctor’s assistant. 没有医生的帮助他吐不出鱼刺来。|| The

volcano disgorged lava. 火山喷出岩浆。

【近】belch,disgorge, eject, eruct, expel, jet, spew, spout

【反】swallow,ingest 吞下,咽下

【考法2】v. 放弃:to give up on request or under pressure

【例】Thecorrupt officials refused to disgorge his ill-gotten gains. 贪官们拒绝放弃赃款。


【考法1】vt. 使发怒,使不满意:to make ill-humored or discontented

【例】bedisgruntled with sb 对某人不满

【近】disaffect,displease, dissatisfy, disgruntle

【反】content,gratify, please, satisfy 使满意

【考法2】v. 使疏远,使不友好:to cause to change from friendly or loving to unfriendly or uncaring


【反】reconcile 调解,使和谐


【考法1】v. 伪装(防止被认出):to modify the manner or appearance of in order to preventrecognition

【例】He alwaysdisguises his true feelings. 他经常掩饰自己的真实感受。

【近】camouflage, costume, mask

【反】unmask 使露出真相

【考法2】v. 隐藏:to keep secret or shut off from view

【例】Thatinvestigative reporter usually does a good job of disguising her true motivesfor interviewing a person.


【近】belie,blanket, conceal, cover, curtain, occult, veil

【反】bare,disclose, display, divulge, expose, reveal, show, uncover, unmask, unveil 暴露,展现


【考法1】n. 不喜欢,厌恶,不情愿:a lack of willingness or desire to do or accept something;a lack of

willingness or desire to do or acceptsomething

【例】showing amarked disinclination 表现出明显的不情愿

【近】aversion,disfavor, disliking, disrelish, mislike, unwillingness

【反】appetite,favor, fondness, liking, partiality, preference, relish, inclination 喜欢;willingness 情愿


【考法1】vt. 消毒,使无菌:to free from infection especially by destroying harmfulmicroorganisms

【例】disinfectwith bleaching powder 用漂白粉消毒


【反】infect,pollute, contaminate, taint 感染,污染


【考法1】adj. 机能失调的:being thrown out of orderlyfunction

【例】adisjointed society 混乱的社会


【反】orderly,regular, systematic 有序的,规律的,系统的

【考法2】adj. 不连贯的:not clearly or logicallyconnected

【例】adisjointed speech about a hodgepodge of things 关于一大堆杂事的不连贯的演讲

【近】disconnected, unconnected

【反】coherent,connected 连贯的


【考法1】v. (从墓地里)掘出:to take out of the grave or tomb

【例】TheEgyptian mummy was carefully disinterred in hopes that it would yield secretsabout the Old Kingdom.



【反】bury, inter, tomb, inhume 埋葬
