Which are the most visited museums in the world? Based on the statistics published by travel institutions like the Themed Entertainment Association, Die Welt ,a German newspaer,drew up a bucket list of the "Top 20 most popular museums around the world", in which the Louvre in France, National Museum of China and National Museum of Natural History in Washington seized the top three spots, respectively.
Top 20 most popular museums around the world是全球最受欢迎20大博物馆;Louvre是卢浮宫;National Museum of China是中国国家博物馆;National Museum of Natural History是美国国家自然历史博物馆。
进入20大榜单(make the list)的中国博物馆还包括排名第10的中国台北故宫博物院(The National Palace Museum in Taipei)以及排名第13上海科技馆(Shanghai Science & Technology Museum)。另外(furthermore),“国博”以19.5万平方米的面积成为“世界最大的博物馆(the biggest museum in the world)”。
报道称,欧洲博物馆仍是最受欢迎的(the most visited),共有9座入榜。美国则有6座,亚洲为5座。如果要评选“世界博物馆之都”,那么伦敦、华盛顿和巴黎将上榜,这三座城市拥有最多的博物馆资源(the richest number of museum resources)。这3个城市各有(respectively)5个、4个和3个博物馆进入“20大博物馆”榜单(the top 20 most visited museums list)。