商务英语活学活用 开电影院很赚钱(3)
日期:2016-01-06 14:56
Movie theatre are big business, here's why.
1) Their cash crop is not the movie tickets, but rather the food that they sell to customers.
2) Many famous movies sell out every night. The more sold out shows there are, the more cash the cinema makes.
3) They rarely give complimentary tickets.
4) Box office sales are on the raise. More people than ever are going out to see movies.
5) It is now a custom to go see movies with your loved ones on most holidays.
1) 影院的主要收入来源不是电影票,而是卖给观众的食物。
2) 很多有名的电影都能卖个满座,票卖的越多,电影院赚的钱也就越多。
3) 电影院很少发放赠票。
4) 票房收入在上升,越来越多的人愿意出来看电影。
5) 在大多数节假日里,与你喜欢的人一起看场电影已经成为了一种习惯。