Some managers say that the sales department is the most important. Without the sales department there would not be any sales. Without sales, the company would not have any income and could not pay its expenses.
The sales department often has the most staff of all of the departments in a company. Sales staff sometimes sit at a desk and make calls to customers and potential customers while others go out of the office to visit existing customers or find new ones.
Sales staff usually work on a commission basis. This means that they get a salary (sometimes called a retainer) and then get a small percentage of the sales that they make. This gives sales staff plenty of motivation to make as many sales as possible.
Sales staff must know the product or service that they are selling very well. They need to know all of the features and benefits of the product or service so that they can talk about it with customers and answer the customer's questions fully.
Some people think that it is OK for sales staff to tell lies to make a sale. Most professional sales staff know that it's not good to lie, because once the customer finds out, they won't stay a customer for long!