日期:2015-12-08 12:22


Answer the following questions about the video.
1) He thinks it is better to be a ____ .
a) man
b) woman
2) He thinks ____ have to worry more.
a) men
b) women
3) He talks about ____ .
a) making money
b) having babies
Topic:Would you rather be a man or woman?
Hello! My name is Danny Lewis and I'm from the United States. And my question is, is it better to be a man or a woman?
I would have to say it's better to be a man not because men are better but because of, we have less things that we have to worry about.
Women have to worry about their emotions, their monthly things, their babies. We don't have to push out babies. So I would say that's a plus. But I would definitely say it's better to be a man than a woman.

a b b
