日期:2013-05-10 19:00



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Mike says the most dangerous animals in Canada are _______.

a) polar bears

b) beavers

2) You need to be careful of their _______.

a) claws

b) teeth

3) Mike warns that in an attack you might lose _______.

a) an eye

b) an arm


Topic:What is the most dangerous animal in your country?

Hi, my name is Mike, from Canada, and this is for elllo.org. My question is: "What is the most dangerous animal in your country?". Well I'm from Canada, and I can definitely say the most dangerous animal in Canada are the beavers. Now you wouldn't expect beavers to be dangerous. They gnaw away at trees, they make dams, they swim very well underwater. But these vicious animals with these two long teeth coming out the front of their mouth, if you get too close, well those teeth might result in the loss of an arm, or you know, damage to your face. So as much as Canada is a great place, if you do go to Canada I do warn against these extremely dangerous animals. Please do be careful.


b b b

  • viciousadj. 恶毒的,恶意的,凶残的,剧烈的,严重的
  • extremelyadv. 极其,非常
  • gnawv. 咬,侵蚀