日期:2015-12-01 12:12


Answer the following questions about the video.
1) He would like to visit ____ .
a) China
b) Colombia
2) He needs to wait for ____ .
a) time off work
b) money to travel
3) He wants to see some ____ .
a) art
b) nature
Topic:Where would you like to visit?
Hi. I'm Marcos and the question is, what country you would like to visit?
And the answer is China. I love to visit China but the thing is it's such a huge country that I think I need like three or four months to visit the whole country. So I'm waiting for like half – for funds available to go there because I want to visit and it's going to be a great trip. And I love their culture. I like the food and I think there are a lot of places to visit like the Great Wall and the Terracotta Warriors. So I think it's worth a visit.

a b a

  • availableadj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的
  • fundsn. 基金;资金,现金(fund的复数) v. 提供资金