新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List5:Unit8
日期:2015-03-17 11:22



【考法1】vt. 监禁,困于…之中:to confine in a restricted and often crowded area

【例】Thoserestless kids were cooped up in the house on a rainy. 雨天那些好动的孩子们被困在房子里

【近】box, cage,corral, encage, enclose, envelop, fence, hedge, immure, include, pen, wall

【反】free,liberate, release 释放


【考法1】adj.丰富的,大量的:large in quantity; abundant

【例】a copiousharvest 大丰收

【近】plentiful,abundant, ample, gushing

【反】sparse,dearth, scant 稀少的,缺乏的


【考法1】n. 调情的女子:a woman who makes teasing sexual or romantic overtures; a flirt

【例】A coquettethough she might appear to be at first, Violetta from Verdi’s La Traviata is actually yearningfor

true love. 乍看之下,威尔第歌剧《茶花女》中的薇奥莱塔是一个轻浮的女子,但实际上她渴望真爱


【考法2】v. 不认真对待:to deal with something playfully rather than seriously

【例】interestedonly in coquetting with her, not marrying her 只想与她保持暧昧关系,而不结婚

【近】trifle,dally, flirt, mess around

【派】coquet v. 不认真对待,调情;coquettish adj. 调情的


【考法1】n. 警戒线:a line or ring of police, soldiers, or vehicles preventing peoplefrom entering an area

【例】a cordonof police 警察围成的警戒线


【考法2】v. 围城一道防线:to form a protective or restrictive cordon around

【例】cordonedoff the area around the explosion scene 在爆炸现场周边设置警戒线

【近】close,obstruct, block


【考法1】n. 大量:an overflowing store; an abundance

【例】acornucopia of employment opportunities 大量的就业机会

【近】plentitude, plethora, wealth, profusion, affluence

【反】lack,pittance, deficiency 缺乏,少量


【考法1】n. 加冕,加冕礼:the act or ceremony of crowning a sovereign or the sovereign'sconsort

【例】Twodifferent musical pieces by Mozart (a piano concerto and a mass) are bothtitled “Coronation”. 莫



【反】abdication 退位

【派】coronate v.加冕


【考法1】adj. 肉体的:not spiritual

【例】corporealsuffering 肉体上的折磨

【近】bodily,carnal, corporal, somatic, physical, fleshly

【反】spiritual 精神上的

【考法2】adj. 有形的,实体的:not immaterial orintangible

【近】material,physical, substantial, sensible, tangible

【反】intangible, disembodied, immaterial 无形的,无实体的


【考法1】vt. 用证据或权威证实:to support with evidence or authority; make more certain

【例】newevidence to corroborate the defendant's story 能证实被告的故事的新证据

【近】confirm,authenticate, justify, substantiate, validate, verify

【反】controvert, contradict, deny 反驳,否认

【考法2】vt. 提供证据,支持:to provide evidence or information for (as a claim or idea)

【例】Mypersonal experience does not corroborate your faith in the essential goodnessof people . 我 的经


【近】back,bolster, buttress, reinforce, support

【派】corroboration n. 证实


【考法1】adj. 腐蚀性的:tending to destroy slowly bychemical action

【例】Concentrated sulfur acid is highly corrosive. 浓硫酸有极强的腐蚀性


【反】noncorrosive 无腐蚀性的

【考法2】adj. 讽刺性的:bitingly sarcastic

【例】corrosivesatire 讽刺性的作品

【近】sarcastic,barbed, acerbic, satiric, acrid, barbed, mordant, tart

【派】corrosionn. 侵蚀


【考法1】adj. 褶皱的:shaped into a series of regularfolds that look like waves

【例】corrugatedpaper 褶皱的纸

【近】wrinkled,creased, folded

【反】smooth 光滑的

【派】corrugation n. 褶皱,折痕
