新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List23:Unit6
日期:2015-12-05 13:50


【考法 1】 n. 懒人: an habitually lazy person
【例】 The teacher tried to wake up the sluggards who were still sleeping at that late hour. 老师尝试去叫醒那些还在睡觉的懒鬼们。
【近】 deadbeat, drone, idler, loafer, slouch, slug
【反】 doer, hummer, hustler, rustler 活跃的人,精力充沛的人
【考法 1】 adj. 缓慢的,迟缓的: markedly slow in movement, flow, or growth
【例】 The sluggish pace of the project is worrisome. 项目进展缓慢让人担忧。
【近】 crawling, creeping, dallying, dilatory, dragging, lagging, languid, leisurely, snaillike, tardy, unhurried
【反】 bolting, brisk, fast, fleet, hasty, lightning, meteoric, quick, racing, rapid, rocketing, speedy, swift 快速的
【考法 2】 adj. 迟钝的,反应慢的: slow to respond (as to stimulation or treatment)
【例】 Reptiles are naturally sluggish at low temperatures. 在低温下爬行动物的生理机能自然会趋于迟缓。
【近】 dull, indolent, inert, lethargic, quiescent, sleepy, torpid
【反】 active, animated, bouncing, dynamic, energetic, kinetic, spirited, vigorous, vital, vivacious 有活力的
【考法 1】 vt. 睡着: to be in a state of sleep
【例】 She slumbered for hours while the train rolled on. 她在火车行进过程中睡了四个小时。
【近】 catnap, doze, nap, rest, sleep, snooze
【反】 arouse, awake, waken 醒来
【考法 1】 n. 耻辱: a mark of guilt or disgrace
【例】 Your drunken behavior at the wedding has cast a slur on this family. 你在婚礼上醉酒后的行为给整个家族都带来了耻辱。
【近】 blot, brand, onus, smirch, smudge, spot, stigma, taint
【反】 award, credit, glory, honor 荣誉,荣耀
【考法 2】 vt. 含糊地发音: to pronounce indistinctly
【例】 If you slur your words, the visa officer will have a hard time following you. 如果你说话含糊不清,签证官就很难听懂你的话。
【近】 mumble, murmur,mutter
【反】 articulate, enunciate 清楚地表达
【考法 3】 v. 疏忽,忽略: to slide or slip over without due mention, consideration, or emphasis
【例】 This documentary slurs over certain important facts as it offers a very biased case for a conspiracy theory.
【近】 bypass, disregard, forget, ignore, overlook, overpass, slight
【反】 attend, heed, mind 留心,注意
【考法 1】 adj. 狡猾的: clever or cunning, especially in the practice of deceit.
【例】 The movie pairs a sly, dissembling ex-con with an upstanding, straight-arrow cop. 电影把一个狡猾、善于骗人的出狱犯和正直、坦率的警察搭配在了一起。
【近】 beguiling, cagey, crafty, cunning, designing, devious, foxy, guileful, scheming, shrewd, subtle, tricky, wily
【反】 artless, guileless, ingenuous, innocent, undesigning 天真纯朴的,无伪装的
【考法 2】 adj. 隐秘的,偷偷的: given to acting in secret and to concealing one's intentions
【例】 took a sly look at the letter on the table 偷偷地看了一眼桌上的信
【近】 furtive, shady, shifty, slippery, sneaking, stealthy
【反】 aboveboard 光明正大的
【考法 1】 adj. 虚情假意的,过分恭维的: hypocritically, complacently, or effusively earnest
【例】 He is slightly smarmy and eager to impress. 他有点虚伪,急于给人留下印象。
【近】 fulsome, oily, slick, soapy, unctuous
【反】 artless, earnest, genuine, heartfelt, sincere, unaffected 真诚的,真挚的
【考法 1】 adj. 反应敏捷的,聪颖的: characterized by sharp quick thought
【例】 a smart child who could do well in school 一个能在学校取得良好成绩的聪明孩子
【近】 alert, brainy, bright, brilliant, clever, exceptional, fast, intelligent, keen, nimble, quick, sharp
【反】 airheaded, brainless, doltish, dumb, fatuous, mindless, obtuse, senseless, simple, stupid, vacuous, witless 愚钝的
【考法 2】 adj. 整洁的: being strikingly neat and trim in style or appearance
【例】 Dressed in their smart new uniforms, the cadets proudly paraded around the grounds of the military school.
【近】 dapper, natty, neat, sharp, snappy, spruce, trim
【反】 disheveled, frowsy, sloppy, slovenly, unkempt 不整洁的
【考法 3】 vi. 感到疼痛,感到痛苦: to suffer acutely, as from mental distress, wounded feelings, or remorse
【例】 The injection only smarted for a moment. 打针只会痛一小会儿。‖He is still smarting over criticism of his clumsy performance. 那些对他笨拙表演的批评仍然让他感到痛苦。
【近】 ache, hurt, pain, suffer
【反】 allay, alleviate, assuage, ease, mitigate, mollify, palliate, relieve, soothe 缓和
【考法 1】 n. 浅薄的知识: superficialor piecemeal knowledge
【例】 a smattering of Greek grammar 略懂希腊语语法
【反】 erudition 博学;insight 深刻的见解
【考法 2】 n. 少量: a small scattered number or amount
【例】 Only a smattering of spectators presented. 只有少数几个观看者出席了。
【反】 ace, bit,driblet, glimmer, handful, hint, mite, mouthful, nip, ounce, pittance,sprinkle, trace
【近】 abundance,bundle, dozen, multiplicity, myriad, plentitude, profusion, scad, shipload, slew, volume, wealth
【考法 1】 vi. (自鸣得意地)笑: to smile in an affected, often offensively self-satisfied manner
【例】 She tried not to smirk when they announced the winner. 当他们宣布她获得了胜利时,她尽可能地保持不露出笑容。
【近】 grin, simper
【反】 cry, weep 哭泣;groan, moan, sigh 叹息
【考法 1】 vt. 使窒息: to be or cause to be killed by lack of breathable air
【例】 Children should never be leftin cars alone because they could become trapped and smothered. 小孩子不应该被单独留在车中,因为他们很容易因而被困并且窒息死亡。
【近】 asphyxiate, choke, smother, stifle, strangle, suffocate
【考法 2】 vt. 抑制(表达、说出),压制: to refrain from openly showing or uttering
【例】 He quickly smothered his inappropriate laughter at the funeral ceremony. 他很快就控制住了自己在葬礼上不适当的笑声。‖Management smothered the true facts of the case. 管理层隐瞒了案件的真相。
【近】 bridle, check, choke, control, curb, muffle, quash, quell, repress, squelch, suppress
【反】 unleash, vent (感情的)爆发,宣泄;express 表达
  • palliatevt. 减轻,缓和,辩解
  • lethargicadj. 昏睡的,困倦的,冷淡的
  • slewn. 沼地,极多,回转 n. 大量,许多 v. 使转,扭
  • meteoricadj. 流星的,昙花一现的,大气的
  • ignorevt. 不顾,不理,忽视
  • castv. 投,掷,抛,铸造,丢弃,指定演员,加起来,投射(目
  • respondv. 回答,答复,反应,反响,响应 n. [建]壁
  • inappropriateadj. 不适当的,不相称的
  • slipv. 滑倒,溜走,疏忽,滑脱 n. 滑倒,溜走,疏忽,失
  • chokevi. 窒息,阻塞 vt. (掐住或阻塞气管)使(某人)