【考法1】n. 感觉,知觉:a perception associated with stimulation of a sense organ or with aspecific body condition
【例】We feltjust the smallest sensation of warmth when we leaned against the radiator. 当我们靠着取暖器的时候,我们也仅仅感到了一点点的温度。
【反】anesthesia, numbness 麻木
【考法2】n. 轰动事件:a state of intense public interest and excitement
【例】the rookiehitting sensation of the American League 这个菜鸟的表现轰动了整个全美大联盟
【近】flash,marvel, miracle, phenomenon, portent, prodigy, splendor
【反】unnoticedevent 不知名的小事
【考法1】adj. 敏感的:susceptible to the attitudes,feelings, or circumstances of others
【例】he's verysensitive to the sun and will burn if he's outside for any amount of time 他的皮肤对日光非常敏感,在外时间长了就会烧灼
【近】susceptible, vulnerable, subject (to)
【反】numb 麻木的
【考法1】n. 哨兵,看守:a person or group that watches over someone or something
【例】a lonesentinel kept watch over the fort 一个哨兵看守着碉堡
【近】custodian,guardian, keeper, lookout, minder, sentry, warden, watchman
【考法1】adj.阴沉的,丧葬的:causing or marked by an atmosphere lacking in cheer; funereal
【例】thedecrepit mansion had a sepulchral tone that gave everybody a chill 破旧的公馆有着一种坟墓的气息,让人皆为之一颤
【近】depressing, desolate, dismal, dreary, morose, sullen, tenebrous
【反】merry,bright, cheery, comforting, cordial, festive, heartwarming, sunshiny 欢快的
【考法1】adj. 腐败的,感染的:of, relating to, or causingputrefaction
【反】free ofinfection 未被感染的
【考法1】n. 结果:a secondary consequence or result
【反】precursor 先兆
【考法1】vt. 使隔绝,分离:to set apart: segregate
【例】sequestera jury 让陪审团分开讨论
【近】insulate,seclude, segregate, separate, cut off
【反】permit tomingle, desegregate, integrate, reintegrate 混合,综合
【考法2】vt. 使隐退:to cause to withdraw into seclusion
【例】She wassequestered in her room. 她深居简出。
【考法1】adj. 干枯的,凋萎的:being dried and withered
【例】a sereregion that can't support agriculture 一片贫瘠不能发展农业的地区
【近】arid,droughty, thirsty, waterless
【反】lush,damp, dank, humid, moist, wet 葱绿的,湿润的
【考法1】n. 意外发现珍奇(或称心)事物的本领:the faculty of makingfortunate discoveries by accident
【例】They foundeach other by pure serendipity. 他俩的相识属于缘分天注定。
【考法1】adj. 安静的:free from disturbing noise oruproar
【例】a serenevacation spot 一处宁谧的度假胜地
【近】arcadian,calm, hushed, peaceful, placid, restful, still, tranquil
【反】boisterous, clamorous, clattery, deafening, raucous, roistering, romping,rowdy, tumultuous, unquiet, uproarious
【考法2】adj. 稳重的,镇静的:unaffected by disturbance;calm and unruffled
【例】a sereneman who was everyone's source of support 一个沉着镇静的男人,他是所有人的精神支柱
【近】collected,composed, possessed, recollected, undisturbed, unperturbed, unruffled
【反】agitated,discomposed, disturbed, flustered, perturbed, unhinged, unstrung, upset 暴躁的,不安的
【派】serenityn. 平静the qualityor state of being serene
【反】havoc,pandemonium, tumult, bedlam, riot, furor 混乱,骚动