日期:2015-11-04 10:16


Answer the following questions about the video.
1) He likes to ____ after work .
a) swim
b) jog
2) She ____ after work.
a) cooks
b) takes a bath
3) He ____ up in bed .
a) curls
b) lays
Topic:What is a typical evening for you?
Doron: Hello. I’m Doron from England.
Pernais: And I’m Pernais from Jamaica.
Doron: Pernais, what is a typical evening for you?
Pernais: A typical evening for me is getting home from work and making dinner and watching a movie. How about you?
Doron: Pretty similar. I mean, I sometimes work quite late and I like to go for a jog after work. So sometimes I don’t have time to cook and I’ll just east in a restaurant, then curl up in bed with a movie on my laptop or a good book.
Pernais: Sounds good.

b a a

  • typicaladj. 典型的,有代表性的,特有的,独特的
  • curln. 卷曲,卷发,年轮,漩涡,[足]曲线球 vt. 弄卷