日期:2015-10-17 08:35



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) He says he ____ worries about money .

a) rarely

b) surely

2) He tries to save for ____ .

a) emergencies

b) investments

3) He tries to ____ think of the present.

a) only

b) not only


Topic:Do you worry about money?

Hello, this is Hector from Puerto Rico. The question is: do I worry about money?

Of course I do. Without money you basically can't do anything in this world. So it's always important to save your money because you never know when you're going to need them in the near future and you always want to have some saved in the bank or wherever you can save them, so if that emergency comes, you'll be able to use it, and everything will be OK. Cause it's not always good to think about the present, but to think about the future of your life, your children if you have family and everything else.

Thanks a lot for listening.


b a b
