日期:2015-10-09 10:17



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) She would like to change ____ about herself.

a) a lot

b) a little

2) She says her ____ are too thin.

a) lips

b) hips

3) She does not like the ____ on her skin.

a) the color

b) the marks


Topic:What would you change about your appearance?

Hi, this is Adelina and I am from Spain. The question is, what will you change about your appearance?

Well, I am quite satisfied with myself so I don't want to change much but if I have to choose something, I will change my lips because I think they are too thin. I would prefer to have bigger lips, and also maybe my skin type because I'm coming from the South and we have a lot of sun here so my skin has a lot of sun marks, so what do you think?


b a b
