日期:2015-09-13 10:54



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) In school naps were ____ .

a) forbidden

b) compulsory

2) ____ has insomnia.

a) She

b) He

3) He feels ____ after a nap.

a) croggy

b) refreshed


Topic:Do you take naps?

Win: Hi, my name is Win and I'm from Vietnam.

Michael: Hello, my name is Michael and I'm from Norway.

Win: So, my question is do I take naps? Well, I do take naps as a habit because in my country for my 12 years of education in Vietnam I have to take nap as compulsory, at least one hour a day. I'm, well, scientifically, I've read that if you take nap it's really good for your brain as it helps you refresh from your half-a-day activity. So, what do you think? Do you take naps?

Michael: I'd love to, sometimes I do and I have problems sleeping because I have insomnia and that makes it harder for me to take naps but whenever I can, you know, taking naps feels really refreshing.


b b b
